Chapter 21 & 22

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     As we walked through the compound, so much miasma was lingering in the hall. I had to admit that this miasma was almost comparable to Naraku's. Ginji was walking next to me in his tiny fox form while Hitoshi was flying next to me in his miniature dragon. I noticed that this place was a lot bigger than it looked. I also noticed that there were no other tengu around this part. When the same part of the compound came up for what seemed like the hundredth time, my mind finally clicked on what was going on.
     Jiro's barrier was shrouded over the entire compound. Unless he permitted it, it wouldn't open for anybody and the intruder would go around in circles, lost. I knew I could break this barrier easily but if I did, it would alert Jiro of our intentions. I silently prayed for the guys to hurry up with distracting Jiro.
     We stopped in a good spot and I pulled up a screen, showing us what was going on. Thankfully I was glad I placed another talisman onto Tomoe so I could see what was going on.
     "I'm finding your heavenly potion quite pleasant." Jiro said with a smile, while Shinjuro was slumped to the ground intoxicated. I bit the inside of my cheek, so Jiro knew how to hold his liquor. "What's the matter Shinjuro? There is still a great deal of it left you know." Jiro said as he got to his feet and walked over to Shinjuro to pour him another shot. Poor Shinjuro looked at the glass like it was the enemy as Jiro filled it up.
      "So how are you feeling now brother, good?" Shinjuro asked, his speech slightly slurring.
     Exactly how much did he have? I screamed in my thoughts.
     "Of course. Were you planning to get me drunk so you could exact some sort of pathetic revenge. This must be disappointing. Unlike your feeble spirit, I am not one to be corrupted by mere alcohol. Inebriation is another sad form of weakness." Jiro spoke harshly. "You're the one who insisted we drink. You will finish the entire bottle with me."
     Poor Shin. Tomoe please help him. I pleaded in my thoughts.
     "This has gone far enough Master Jiro." Tomoe's voice called. Jiro then looked to Tomoe, who was in the middle of a transformation. He was going to use his charms. "In place of my Lord and Master, I, Tomoe will keep you company in deference to your wishes." He said as he fully transformed. After the light disappeared, Tomoe was now standing before Jiro disguised as me.
     "Pft." I looked at him with disbelief. Why would Tomoe dress like me? Did Jiro have some feelings for me?
     "Why not let a celestial nymph pour for you?" Tomoe said in a feminine voice. All of a sudden Jiro shouted and the barrier rippled, telling me Jiro had now lost his focus. It was a perfect time to proceed but I kept my screen up to see how this would play out. We started to move towards where the Soujoubou was.
     "Is there a problem?" Tomoe asked the baffled Jiro. "You look shaken." He continued to prod Jiro while leaning against him. It seemed that Jiro was having a problem keeping focus with my form next to him. "And you were speaking so confidently earlier too."
     "Was it you beneath the eternal cherry blossom tree then?" He asked, slightly disgusted. I laughed at the poor fool. "Tell me the truth."
     "I was worried that my arm would break in half. You are entirely too violent, especially in the way you treat women." Tomoe taunted, sticking a nerve in Jiro. 
     "A woman, oh please!" Jiro shouted. Tomoe turned to Jiro. Poor Shinjuro was out cold on the ground, drunk.
     "What?" Tomoe questioned.
     "You're merely disguised as a woman. I know a man when I see one." Jiro growled.
     "How rude. If you do not believe what I'm saying." Tomoe started to loosen the bowtie around his chest. My temper rose, he actually seen me naked, so if he showed this guy my body I will ring his fucking neck. "Come see for yourself." Tomoe said seductively. "Then you will know which one I am."
      Jiro immediately looked away. This told Tomoe and I what we needed. He indeed had fallen for me. I blushed as I turned off the screen. I didn't know how I was going to handle another potential lover, especially when Suirou made his feelings clear though he didn't say.
     Since the caster of the barrier had lost his focus, it was easier to maneuver around the compound, trying to look for Soujoubou. Soon Botanmaru ran towards a closed door, pointing to it. This was the room the Soujoubou was enclosed in. I ran to the door, opening it up.
     "Soujoubou, it's me Kagome. I heard you were ill and I came to help." I explained as I walked in.
     "Master Soujoubou, we're here." Botanmaru shouted into the room.
     When he didn't respond and wasn't moving at all, we were both confused. From what I could see, he was stone, almost lifeless. As if his soul was sucked out of his body. We all walked into get a closer look at him.
     "Lady Kagome, get the peach pills quick." Botanmaru said in a panic.
     "I'm sorry Botanmaru but these won't help what's happening to him." I said defeated.
      "What's wrong with him Lady Kagome?" Botanmaru asked, slightly worried.
      "His soul was sucked from his body. He won't get any better any time soon unless we find his soul." I explained, sad. I gently placed my hand on his stony cheek. "Don't worry Soujoubou. I'll save the mountain again, I promise."
      Looking at the old man, I saw a letter within his hands. I briefly glanced over it contents. It sounded like Shinjuro but this wasn't his handwriting. On top of the letter a big black feather stood out proudly. Someone must of fooled the old man, taking advantage of the situation that he hadn't seen his son in over seventeen years. Of course he wouldn't know his current handwriting, but that wasn't the case with Soujoubou. Stone tears were stuck upon him, telling me he took these fake heartfelt words to heart. When he was reading this, that's when the person attacked him to get his soul. Him at his weakest. What I couldn't figure out was who did it and why?
     "It's exhausting being right all the time." A masculine voice came from behind me. I jerked around, facing the person. It turned out the same aura hanging around the Soujoubou came from this guy.
     "It was you." I screamed before he knocked me unconscious.

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