Chapter 14

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     It had been busy since the festival. A lot more prayers have been rolling, especially love sick ones.
     I was currently heading on my way to school. Of course late because I had over slept since I was working on prayers all night long. Thankfully Tomoe woke me up, though rather harshly. But he grabbed ahold the back of my shirt.
      "The new term starts tomorrow, you hasty fool." He sighed.
     "Ugh." My days are all messed up.
     Of course, Mizuki laughed at me.
     I fell down onto the cushions in the living room, looking out the open door. Tomoe and some of the other familiars were working out in the yard. I sighed in defeat. I was completely drained.
     "I think I'll just stay here all day." I whispered. Tomoe passed carrying a basket and immediately my body straightened up. I watched a green glowing butterfly fly passed and flew in front of Tomoe. He followed it and tried to reach out for it. I could sense divine energy coming from it, Mikage's to be exact.
     "Oh a butterfly." Mizuki said from behind me and pulled me into his lap. "You think that might me Lord Mikage?" He asked. "His avatar is a butterfly."
     "Avatar?" I looked to him. He smiled down at me as he wrapped his arms around me.
     "Each god has the ability to dwell in a particular vessel. Lady Yonomori avatar was plum blossoms." Mizuki's eyes hazed over as he remembered his previous god. "Lord Mikage has a butterfly."
     I looked to Tomoe, who was still staring at the butterfly flying away. From here, I could see the loneliness in his posture. I knew I resided well in his heart but it won't replace someone who helped him in his time of need. They had spent at least over a hundred years together, so he wouldn't forget his previous god just like that.
     Tomoe, I you miss Lord Mikage. I thought as I absentmindedly played with my fingers. I shook the bitter thoughts from my mind and looked to Mizuki.
     "Mizuki, could you teach me how to get my avatar and be able to use it?" I asked him. His eyes brightened and he smiled from ear to ear. He nodded his head furiously.
      "I'll be glad to." Mizuki kissed my cheek.
     "Hey girl what's up? Long time, no see." Otohiko's voice came from beside us. Then a slap to the shoulder, sent us both flying sideways.
     "Hi, he she guy." I grunted as I slowly got up along with Mizuki.
     "Who are you calling he she guy?" Otohiko scowled.
     "I'm kidding. Hi Otohiko." I chuckled. "I haven't been pestered by you since the kagura dance."
     "Yes your festival." He got a little too close for comfort to me. "I watched you dance you know. It wasn't awful perse but I can't give you passing marks. At least not yet sweetie pie."
     "You are being circuitous Lord Otohiko." Tomoe placed a hand upon my shoulder in a loving way. "Are you not here to simply deliver the summons for Izumo."
     "Indeed I am." Otohiko pounced onto Tomoe. "I missed you my darling Tomoe." He rubbed his face against Tomoe's. I immediately exploded in rage as he was near my Tomoe and in a loving manner.


     Night rolled in after my fight with Otohiko and to get changed. We were sitting in the living room, sipping some tea and eating some snacks while Otohiko explained what was going on.
     "Every year for one week in October, gods from all across the country gather at Izumo for a meeting. With Mikage gone, there's one seat currently open. Funny story, we all got to chatting about inviting you, the great unfortunate successor, but the problem is that even as a human god you are lacking in skills. Whether we like it or not though, you are presently the land god of the Mikage shrine. So, you can come. Of course you have to pass a test first. But such is the life of whatever you are." He paused, holding up his smoking pipe. I wanted to throw it out of the shrine. "We are talking about the divine assembly and it is divine. Try not to screw it up, honey, this is a huge deal for you. Now, shall we discuss this test."
     "Give the test. Give the test. Hurry up. Hurry up. Give the test, he she guy." I chanted, purposely pissing him off. Since all the gods attend this assembly. Maybe they would have the whereabouts of Naraku, maybe a hint if he still exists.
     "Shut up!" He shouted at me. I quieted down. "The test is this." He held up two shikigami eggs. "You must raise shikigamis."
     "Oh that's all. No problem." I smiled as I took the eggs from his hands.
     "If you can raise a shikigami to my liking, you may pass." Otohiko explained. With the eggs safely in my hands, a whirlwind went around Otohiko and he disappeared. I looked down at the two eggs in hand, softly smiling. I would be able to raise two more shikigami, which was good since my power was growing.

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