Chapter 7

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*Warning a lot of lemon in this chapter. Readers discretion advised.*

I've spent the entire night and into Sunday ridding Tomoe of his curse and restoring his memories. He seemed to be depressed once he regained them. I told him I was here if he needed but I left him alone until he sought my help. I sighed as I fell back onto my bed. I stared at the ceiling as the past events came to mind. Rolling to my side, I really didn't want to go to school today. I felt weird but I knew with my attendance, I had to go.
Once dressed, I sat at the table with Sesshomaru as Onikiri and Kotetsu brought in the meals Tomoe prepared. I couldn't help but stare a bit at Tomoe as I sipped at the soup he prepared.
"Is it bland?" Tomoe asked. "Soy sauce." He held up a container with it in.
"No thanks." I smiled at him as I felt like I was burning up. I sipped it a bit more before staring idly at the table in front of me. I ate a piece of potato before I felt a hand upon my forehead. Startling me out of my delirious state, I noticed that Tomoe had his hand upon my forehead.
"As I suspected, you are ill and have a fever." He scorned me. Sesshomaru got up and went to the medical kit that we had stored in the dresser and brought me a thermometer. I sighed and took my temperature. After the chime went off, I took the thermometer from underneath my tongue and looked at it.
"No way. 39.8." I continued to stare at the small machine. Not believing in what it was telling me.
"What a high temperature!" Kotetsu exclaimed.
"Please stay home from school Lady Kagome!" Onikiri pleaded.
"I wish I could but I'll be fine." I said with a smile as I got to my feet and headed to the door with my bookbag. "Besides my attendance record is hanging on the edge. If I have any more absences, I will have to repeat the year." And I already repeated enough.
"Master Tomoe! You have to stop her." Kotetsu yelled as he and Onikiri held onto my legs. I could feel myself falling but I didn't care at the moment.
"Let me go!" I said dizzily as I fell. But I was caught by Tomoe.
"I can not allow you to go in your current state. This will be good, take time off from something unimportant as school."
"Oh yeah, just because it's not godly doesn't mean it's not important." I yelled at the uncaring kitsune.
"Trust me, I'm saying this with your best interest at heart." He said with a smile as he held me like a little kid.
"In that case, why not change yourself into Lady Kagome?" Kotetsu held up a leaf. Tomoe and I looked to the sprites, me with a smile and Tomoe with glare, like they weren't supposed to say anything.
"Then you can go to school for her and she won't have to have an absence." Onikiri stated.
"That's a great idea!" I shouted.
"Why can't that fox brat do it or the other fox?" Tomoe argued.
"Shippo's at Sōten's right now and Taji is still at work." I told Tomoe. "Please Tomoe!" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. He glared at me for a moment before sighing.
"Fine!" He huffed as he grabbed my bag from my hands and placed a leaf on top of his head. With a puff of smoke, Tomoe disappeared and a me stood in his place. He walked me over and placed me into my mates arms.
"Thank you Tomoe." I kindly smiled at him as he walked away.
"Yup." Tomoe shouted as he disappeared out the door.
Sesshomaru held onto me as he brought me to our room. He carefully stripped me down and placed a light sleeping yukata on me before placing me onto the bed. He tucked me in, then went over to the dresser. He stripped out of his work suit, placed a sleeping yukata on before placing a phone call. As I laid in bed, I let my eyes close for a moment. Taking a deep breath, I got myself to relax. I silently listened to Sesshomaru's alluring voice.
Suddenly I felt my body pulsate along with my heartbeat. The way it was going reminded me of Inuyasha changing into his demon form. A choked gasp escaped my lips as I felt the power radiate throughout my entire body. My fingers clawed at the cloth beneath me as I tried to get ahold of this new power. With each pulse, I could feel my power rise more and more. But for some reason something felt like it was missing. I glanced to Sesshomaru who was still on his phone. He would soon feel this power. I had no way to control it.
Within a second, my body stopped pulsating. I took a couple of deep breaths as I waited for another spell to occur. I knew it was going to happen but I didn't know when. Suddenly my body began to move by itself, like it was on autopilot.

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