Chapter 23 Part 1

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     I felt an all too familiar power surge fill my entire being. I panted for a moment as I tried to realign my body. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by Jiro.
     "Are you alright Kagome?" He asked.
     "I'm fine." I smiled. I then forced the urge at bay for now so I could proceed through the party without overwhelming these men. "We should get back, the honorary guest should be mingling." I smirked at him as I jumped off. His eyes widened as he ran and tried to grab my hand.
     I summoned my reiki wings and glided down to the ground safely. As I landed, I looked back up and found an astonished Jiro staring at me.
     "They're blue now? Last time I saw them they were pink." Shinjuro commented.
     "Well that's before my reiki, yokai and my divine powers all got mashed together." I chuckled as I retracted my wings. Shinjuro just shook his head and didn't comment any further. I sat back down in my seat, the air carrying my scent. I saw all the sensitive noses spring to the air. Then they all looked at me. Several were lustful while one was on guard. Shippo excused himself from Keiji's company and walked over to me.
     "Momma, you okay." He asked.
     "I'm fine. It's just another 'joining' session is going to be in order. I've used too much of my power the passed few days and now it has taken a toll on my body. Tell Tomoe and the others to make preparations when we get back home."
     "Preparations for a 'joining' session?" Suirou came over. "What's that?"
     "Um." A blush casted upon my cheeks as I tried to think of a way to tell him.
     "Mom, you might as well tell him. He's a potential candidate as well as Jiro." Shippo folded his arms across his chest, reminding me of Inuyasha especially his bluntness.
     "Shippo!" I shrieked as he just shrugged without a care.
     "Potential candidates?" Suirou tilted his head. I could feel Jiro's presence behind me. "For what?"
     "To be my mom's lover of course. I don't think dad will mind these two mom. They are strong." Shippo commented. "As a goddess, she has a harem. Several over there are her lovers." He whispered to Suirou and Jiro who now made his presence known.
     "Tomoe, Ginji, Soushi can one of you shut my son up!" I cried out, not wanting to be anymore embarrassed than I already was.
     "No need, but mom tell them or I will." Shippo warned. "I will relay the message to Tomoe." He said then smirked. "Good luck."
     "How dare you curse your mother!" I hissed. Then I sighed and looked to the two waiting men that hovered over me. "Well, I ain't shouting it."
     Jiro and Suirou both sat down next to me, waiting for me to answer the question that was racking their brain. What was a 'joining' session? I pinched the bridge of my nose as I tried to figure out how to tell these two. Finally I sighed in defeat and cleared my throat.
      "A 'joining' session is something we say in my shrine. And sadly, only in my shrine. It happens when I have used up too much of my power and what is left makes my body unstable. There is only one way to help this out is by receiving some power from a willing person."
     "How is one to donate the power you are missing?" Suirou asked.
     Ugh, here comes the part I don't want to say. Especially to two men who are not accustomed to females. I swallowed hard, took a swig of the drink in front of me before I finally spoke. "By sex."
     "Copulation, mating, intercourse, love making, fornication, procreation, do I have to continue." I blushed harder as each word came out.
     "Ma...mating!" They both stuttered as they swallowed hard. They both became silent, making it very awkward right now. I poured myself another drink and downed it hastily.
     "What are you doing Kagome? You can't drink sake." Tomoe asked as he hovered over us.
     "Well you try telling them without embarrassing yourself." I hissed. "On second thought, don't. You can tell them with a straight face, thanks to you being a kitsune."
     "Now, now. What has gotten my mate so riled up?" Tomoe teased.
     "You know damn well fox. My son instigated something he shouldn't have." I growled as I went to pour myself another drink but Tomoe took it out my hand and drank it down.
     "Yes I was informed of your predicament. Why is it so hard? Suirou would be a fine choice. Not like some boorish brute." Tomoe taunted.
     "Hey!" Jiro shouted.
     "Am I wrong?" Tomoe continued to push it. I could almost see the lightning sparking between the two.
     "Enough you two." I hissed. "It is this time for a celebration not a bash. Now quit your infernal bickering."

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