Chapter 24

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I groaned as I slowly woke up. My head still felt like it was buzzing. I peeled open my eyes, finding the ceiling that I grew accustomed to my eighteen years of life. I was still in the living room. I turned my head to side, finding that my head was on someone's lap. Going off by the scent, I knew it was Yaboku.

Glancing down further, I saw the four familiar faces slowly gain consciousness. I quickly sat up, rubbing my eyes and pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. When the pain pooled in that one spot, I knew I was awake.

The first one to slowly sit up was the older woman. Her gray hair was tied back into a ponytail with a white ribbon. Her brown eye was trying to focus. An eyepatch adorned her other eye. She looked like she hasn't changed at all.

The younger woman woke up next. She was still a beautiful fair-skinned young woman. Her waist-length dark brown hair was tied back in a high ponytail with a red hair tie supporting it. Her brown eyes looked around in curiosity, pink eye shadow was painted beautifullyon her eye lids. She pushed back her bangs as she looked down to the male companion by her side.

He was young and handsome. His medium black hair tied back in a small ponytail by his neck. His dark blue eyes looked around in a questioning manner. His ears still sported golden earrings. Then he glanced to the youngest boy next to him.

The boy was a preadolescent with spiky dark brown hair that he styled into a Japanese topknot by a yellow hair tie. He blinked his brown eyes as he looked around in confusion. He still had those cute little freckles along the brim of his nose.

They all looked different with modern clothing on but it was them all the same. Well, almost.

"Kaede? Sango? Miroku? Kohaku?" I called their names looking at each one.

"How'd you know their names?" Gramps asked.

"They were my friends and family on the other side of the well. We'll before it sealed itself." Tears brimmed my eyes, making me roughly wipe them away. "They must be their reincarnations." I sniffed.

The four blinked at me, then recognition coated their eyes and they started to cry as well.

"Kagome?!" They smiled. I gasped in surprise.

"How'd..." I looked to them.

"It would seem that the gods have let us regain our past memories of you." Miroku smirked. I immediately leapt to my feet and scrambled over to them. I wrapped my arms around them, crying my eyes out.

"I've missed you guys so much." I hiccuped.

"We have missed you as well." They cooed.

"So Kaede is finally becoming my grandmother for real this time." I smiled at the older woman.

"Yes I am, my child." Kaede smiled back at me, cupping my face. "It also seems that your power has grown since we last saw ye."

"Yeah, I'm a land God now." I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck.

The four of them dead panned at this news. I chuckled as I walked over and settled down next to Yaboku. He picked me up and placed me into his lap. He glared at Miroku, who flinched. I flicked him in the forehead, making him look down at me.

"Knock it off. He's married to Sango." I scolded. Yaboku blushed and looked away, grumbling something under his breath. I pinched his cheeks and pulled them. "What was that?"

"Sawry." He whined. I nodded in acceptance before looking back at my friends.

"So we are all going to be family now!" I cheerfully squealed. "Oh gods, I got to call a few people. Hold on." I scrambled to my feet and ran to the family phone. I quickly dialed the shrine and I heard a click.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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