Chapter 23 pt.3

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      I woke up what felt like an eternity. I blinked my eyes, sitting up with a hand to my head. I looked around and I found myself in Takeo's bed. I flinched, looked down and found myself naked. Taking another glimpse, I found Takeo, Eichi and Renjiro all collasped on either the bed or the floor. They were naked as well. They looked to be drained.

     Looking between my legs, I found a mess. The door opened, making me look up. Mizuki came walking in, his arms crossed and a frown present in his features. I don't know why but it felt like I did something wrong. Mizuki gave me a stern look but he sighed and rubbed his forehead.

     "You're a handful Kagome." He looked at me.

     "How so!" I hissed.

     He arched a brow but didn't say anything more on the subject. He went over to Takeo, who was on the ground. He picked up the unconscious man and put him in the bed. He did the same with Renjiro. I slipped out of the bed to make space for all of them. I looked at them from the bottom of the bed, worry etched upon my face. The familiar cold hand was placed on my forehead. I sighed as I leaned into his body. He was absolutely comfortable. All my other mates were hot blooded and always emitting immense heat.

     "Good your stable now." Mizuki sighed.

     "What happened?"

     "You received too much yokai and didn't supplement any holy energy after you mated with Kokkuri. So the yokai has completely overwhelmed your holy and divine energy, thus attacking your body. I had these three give their energy just to stabilize you. Since they already marked you and volunteered, it shouldn't be a problem to you. Just be aware you could have died." Mizuki explained to me.

     I looked down at my hands, ashamed but I nodded in response. Mizuki sighed before placing my yukata on me. He helped me to my feet after cleaning me up, then we left the room so they could sleep. He walked me over to the living room table and sat me down. Sesshomaru was there typing away on his laptop. With the speed behind it, I could see his worry. Since he didn't know what to do with God's and their power like Tomoe and Mizuki, he had to lay my safety into their hands. As soon as he saw me across from him, he got to his feet, ran over to me and engulfed me intk a hug.

     "Thank goodness." He whispered into my ear. I smiled before I gently rubbed his back in a soothing motion.

     "You really are a fool of a god." Tomoe chasted me. I frowned before I looked up at the kitsune who held some food. Sesshomaru repositioned himself and held me upon his lap. Tomoe gracefully placed my food before me, then hovered over me with a glare. "You must listen next time."

     "Okay." I bowed my head in defeat. "How long have I been out?"

     "Three hours." Sesshomaru said as he nudged me forward to eat. I nodded, then began to eat. Mizuki, Tomoe and Sesshomaru watched me, supervising my every movement.

     "So am I stable now?" I asked, hoping that the session was over. Tomoe and Sesshomaru sighed before Mizuki shook his head.

     "You need more holy power. Just myself won't be enough." Mizuki stated. I looked at them, a little at loss. Mizuki knew much more about Gods and goddesses than the both of them, that made him third in command in the family hierarchy. So his words rang true.

     "How much more?" I asked weakly.

     "Three, including myself." Mizuki responded. "Still don't know if it'll be enough." He whispered the last part to himself while I finished my meal. 

      "If it's not enough, I'll supply some." A man's voice offered. We all snapped our heads up and found someone I didn't expect here.

     "Inari!" I gasped. "I..."

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