Chapter 16 & 17

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     The gods stared at me for a moment before they went back to partying. I sighed, shrugging. I had expected this reaction. Suddenly I felt a foreboding presence behind me. I turned to find Takehaya staring down at me coldly.
     "You...are not welcome here and yet you still came anyway." He glowered. If he was trying to intimidate me, he wasn't as half scary as Sesshomaru was.
    "Yes, I'm staying to." I said in a calm manner as I fully turned to him. "I'm an attendee of the divine assembly just like everybody else."
     "How dare you that tone with me?" Takehaya growled as he unsheathed his sword. At the same time, I summoned my sword and brandished my blade as well, ready for a fight.
     "Calm down handsome." Otohiko kicked Takehaya away. "Who draws their sword on the first day of the assembly? I mean take it down a notch war god, come on."
     "Otohiko." I bowed my head as I put my sword back in its sheath,  then stowed it away. Alyson and Eri came over with smiles while Mizuki jumped off Otohiko's shoulder, reverting back to his human skin. He wrapped his arms around me, rubbing his cheek against my face, knocking us over.
     "Kagome, I've been so worried about you." He cried.
     "Was it you Otohiko?" Takehaya yelled at the blushing god. "Did you invite she who does not belong here?"
     "A trap thing like that." Otohiko scoffed.
      "Watch what you say about my woman." Yaboku warned, his aura around him turning cold. The area was slightly chilly. The gods cleared their throats before continuing their conversation.
     "If you didn't invite her, who did?" Takehaya yelled at Otohiko once again.
     "I did, naturally." A deep, honeyed masculine voice called from behind the bamboo curtain. I looked to it in completely surprise. It also wasn't only me who was surprised but everyone else. But I was surprised for another reason, there was a floating mini shrine in the room. Suddenly the curtain rolled up by itself, revealing the master of this banquet. He was a tall, handsome man with long light blonde hair that went well with his jade green eyes. He was dressed very well for this occasion.
     "Oh geez, its Lord Ookuninushi." Otohiko screamed like a fan girl. I rolled my eyes at him.
     Ookuninushi had a glowing barrier around him as he effortlessly flew down to the ground. The barrier vanished as fast as it arrived. Ookuninushi smiled as he walked over to us. I had to admit that he was elegant and graceful, making me think of my mate overseas.
     "Lord Ookuninushi, I hope to find you in excellent health." Otohiko said lovingly.
     "You too, Otohiko. For it is a beautiful day today." Ookuninushi greeted back.
     "It is rare for you to make an appearance so early on the assembly, Lord Ookuninushi." Takehaya spoke.
    "A situation recently developed that needs an urgent resolution. Kagome dear," Ookuninushi looked to me "a favor please? Before the divine assembly get started, I want you to go to Emotsu Hirasiga." (I think that's how its spelled)
     "What is that?" I asked while everyone else was shocked. Ookuninushi brought me to the place he just came out of. I sat down on the mat in front of the throne and waited for his explanation.
     "Emotsu Hirasiga is the entrance to the netherworld my dear. Ordinarily, there's a god who's in charge of guarding and determining who is and isn't allowed to cross the border. However, he's currently in attendance of the divine assembly."
     "For all seven days of the divine assembly, the Emotsu Hirasiga becomes undermanned. Every year yokai and the like target this opportunity to break through the border. They only have seven days so their attempts generally end in failure. But there apparently was an ace among the yokai this year meaning..." he suddenly started to panic "oh we are in a terrible state, the gate that has been closed since the beginning of the world has been opened now." He wept as he felt to his knees. "If we do not hurry, the filth of the netherworld will sully the earth. Unfortunately gods are fond of cleanliness and generally dislike having anything to do with that bottomless pit, no one will go scout for me." His personality change in an instant. "But now you have appeared with a pure gaze of unfailing spirit, surely you can exorcise the filth of the netherworld for me."
     "Yeah, sure no problem." I sipped the tea that appeared some time ago during his ranting.
     "What, seriously?" He asked with a shocked expression.
     "But in exchange, I have a request." I smiled at him.
     "Yes and what will that be?" His expression went back to his professional look.
     "I want to know the whereabouts of Naraku. I heard from Tsuchigumo that he still walks upon this land."
     "Hm, I see. This is the yokai that you have taken care of to grant you immortality." He looked at me.
     "Yes, when I wished the jewel to disappear, I saw him and felt him vanish before me. I don't know how escaped but I would like to see for myself if he is truly back." I said sharply.
     "If you promise to take care of the Emotsu Hirasiga situation, then I promise to look for Naraku for you. Do we have a deal?" He smirked.
     "Yes we do." I sipped my tea again. "I also have one question for you."
     "What may that be?" He tilted his head.
     "Whatever happened to Gozu and Mezu?"
     "Are you...ugh." I pinched the bridge of my nose. I pulled up my memory and showed him the two stone guardians of the netherworld. The fight between Inuyasha and them was intense. But before it go to the part with Sesshomaru, I cut it off. I didn't want everyone to know about the Tenseiga.
     "Who were those two?" He pointed to the two stone statues.
     "This is Gozu," I pointed to the one with a crack on his right eye "and Mezu." I pointed to the other. "Before you mention this god, these two were the guardians of the entrance before."

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