Chapter 19

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     "Kagome. I want to know what he said to you." Tomoe asked as he watched Mikage disappear. "Please."
     "It wasn't anything important, just a little small talk."
     "I see." He said weakly. I walked over to him, enveloping him into a hug. "What is this?"
     "I thought you could use one." I embraced him tighter. He chuckled and returned the gesture.
      "Lady Human Goddess." Another servant bunny girl came over to me. I slowly pulled away from Tomoe and looked down at the messenger. "Lord Ookuninushi seeks your presence. He has the information that you are looking for."
     I flinched but nodded. "Tomoe," I looked to him "please tell everyone that I will be back. You go enjoy yourselves okay."
      "I can go with you."
      "I am sorry Master Familiar but you can not go." The bunny girl said to Tomoe, making him angry. I gently caressed his cheek and smiled.
     "I will be fine. Just go and have fun." I kissed his cheek before I walked up to the bunny girl. "Please lead the way."
     "Yes, my lady." She bowed, turning away and left into the direction of the floating shrine. When I got there, I bowed to the bunny before elegantly jumping and landing upon the steps.
     "My Lord." I bowed to him. "You sent for me."
     "Yes. Please enter."
     "Yes sir." I rose from my bowing stance and moved the bamboo curtain to go inside. Ookuninushi was sitting upon his throne with a small disk cup of sake in his hand.
      "Are you enjoying the festivities?" He asked as he motioned for me to sit down.
     "I am. Thank you." I smiled as I gracefully sat down upon the cushion. Tea sat quietly on the side for me to drink. I had a feeling he heard about Tomoe drinking my cup of sake in my stead. I took a sip of the tea, loving the exquisite flavor.
     "I have found some information about Naraku." Ookuninushi says, catching my attention immediately. "It would seem the Tsuchigumo was right. Naraku is indeed alive, it would seem he came out of the jewel a hundred years after you made the jewel disappear. He has been on the run, never staying in a place so we have no idea where he is currently."
     "How?!" The cup slipped from my hands, shattering against the floor. My mind was swirling at this information. "Does that mean I'll lose my gift from the gods? I did fail, I'm...I'm so sorry." I buried my face into my hands.
     "I'm sad to say that your immortality will be in remission until you figure out how to subdue Naraku. Though he is not causing any havoc now, doesn't mean he won't in the future."
     "I understand." I bowed deeply, my arms getting cut up from the shattered cup. "Please give me a severe punishment for not completing the mission."
     "Kagome, it's fine. You weren't expecting for him to survive. There is no need for further punishment. Besides you've done a big favor for us so that's why you are only having the immortality in remission. Like I said you need to subdue him."
     "Like kill him?"
     "No, make him submit or surrender. We need information from him." Ookuninushi spoke. My body froze, the only way I knew how to subdue the stubborn demon was that.
     Ookuninushi's footsteps approach me and a hand slinked around my arm. He slowly made me rise, then hooked a finger underneath my chin. He leaned closer and planted his lips upon mine. I felt something freeze inside my body. Almost like something was tapped off. We slowly pulled apart.
     "Its only temporary." He said as he softly stroked my cheek.


     The next day we were leaving the shrine. Ookuninushi and Otohiko were here to see us off. I could see the inner pain inside of his eyes and I knew he saw mine.
     "You shouldn't be so down Lady Kagome." Ookuninushi said with a smile. "If you're having trouble saying goodbye, I would be more than happy to give you a reason to stay here."
     "It's not like you have a busy social life."
     "Who says Lord Otohiko?" I teased. "But I still have school."
     "I guess there is no changing your mind. You did fulfill your jobs marvelously though. You should go home with your head held high Kagome." Ookuninushi smiled. I raised a brow at him.
     "By the way, I got you a momento seeing you didn't have time to buy souvenirs. I thought you could use some of these special Izumo face wipes, maybe now you could rock some girl power." Otohiko said as he continuously placed the wipes upon my face.
     "Actually Tomoe and I went for a while the other day. I got plenty of souvenirs."
     "Oh good. I'm sure you found Izumo to be a fine city." Ookuninushi smiled wider. "Speaking of fine, since I already finished all my court assignments. It's time to do some sight seeing and by sights I mean ladies."
     "You remind me of Miroku." I chuckled as I slowly peeled the wipes off my face. Otohiko went over with a handkerchief in hand, tears streaming down his face. He swayed his hips a couple of times.
     "You are absolutely terrible Lord Ookuninushi. Tell me what does those human girls have that I don't." Otohiko wept. I simply cleared my throat, not saying anything.
     "You think I'm shallow. Gods, Humans, Yokai I love them all. I should mention that is provided the being I am loving is female. I love equally, I will not choose." Ookuninushi says with such a serious face. Otohiko screamed and hugged Ookuninushi.
     "Ooh, Lord Ookuninushi. You're the greatest."
     "Well I must be off." I sadly smiled. "I'll keep in touch okay."
     "Kagome, it won't be long."
     "I sure hope so." Softly smiling, I waved goodbye. "Bye Otohiko, bye Ookuninushi."
     At the bottom of the shrine, the night fog carriage was waiting with everyone in it. I glanced up at the night sky, my chest feeling slightly hollow. I clenched my hand over my heart. I grew accustomed to the feeling of the warmth flowing through my veins. Now that it's like this, I felt cold.
     "What could be bothering Lady Kagome?" Kotetsu's said from inside the carriage. "She has seemed restless since the banquet."
     "I assume she is feeling worn out. The other land gods will be staying in Izumo for another seven days. I wish Kagome could have enjoyed the hot springs before the assembly ended." Mizuki sighed.
     "Utter nonsense. You speak as if leaving the shrine unattended is a small matter." Tomoe spat.
     "It wouldn't be if you go home already. Then I could help Kagome enjoy herself." Mizuki taunted.
     "I have an idea. I will stay and you can go." Tomoe hissed before the carriage slightly shook as I figured they were fighting again. I sighed. The shrine really wasn't unattended but they were the most experienced familiars so it probably didn't sit well yet.
     I got to the carriage and leapt onto it without making noise. Their backs were facing me as Tomoe tried to strangle Mizuki in his snake form. I softly sighed, shaking my head.
     "Kagome, let's go take a bath." "We're leaving now." They hollered at the same time.
     I walked over to one of the windows and looked out. The coolness of the night air caressed my skin. Everyone looked at me, not sure on what was going through my mind.
     Naraku is alive. I seethed in my thoughts as I clenched my hand. Tears threatened to fall but I wouldn't let it. Leaning my head against the sill, I closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep.

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