Chapter 9 & 10

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     Yesterday was exhausting. Mizuki and Tomoe were fighting yesterday as well as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, though those two didn't say a word. I could just feel the tension in the air. Also I successfully helped Yaboku and Yukine with their bond. I did an overall big success but it gave me a headache.
     I was currently sitting in school with Kei and Ami during lunch. I could feel the thundering headache rolling in but I managed to forget about it since we were currently making some vacation plans for summer break.
     "Hey I have a good idea. Why don't go to the beach over break? Doesn't that sound like fun Kagome." Ami asked while Kei typed on her phone. These two were the only friends I have made in school that doesn't use me one way or another. I was truly blessed.
     "Yeah that sounds great." I faintly smiled.
     "Are you okay?" Ami asked, looking up from her lunch.
     "Yeah, had a family dinner last night. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had some issues last night. I got a headache from the both of them." I sighed as I placed my chopsticks down.
     "Don't they ever consider your feelings instead of making things work?" Kei said as she continued to type on her phone.
      "Those stubborn males never listen to me." I scoffed.
      "Are you still not hungry? You should at least have a couple bites of rice." Ami suggested, only to have a sigh. "No seriously, you look like your ready to pass out. Please." She begged.
     "Listen to her." Tomoe's voice hovered above me, making me look up to him. He was obviously annoyed and angry. "You scarcely had anything to eat this morning. And now you are refusing lunch. What is the meaning behind this? If you are fasting, the timing is inappropriate."
     "It's not a fast. I'm just not hungry." I glared at him.
     "Too bad." Tomoe folded his arms over his chest.
     "Please stop, it won't work. She still hasn't recovered from the internal fighting last night. So getting mad at her is just making it worse." Ami defended me as she shouted in Tomoe's face. His face softened for a moment. Then he looked evil.
     "Thank you for your help." He smiled evilly while he picked up my chopsticks and threw Ami with the other. "Now if you are refusing to eat, you leave me no choice but to pry your mouth open and force feed you."
     He grabbed a shiitake mushroom and went towards me. I cringed, trying to push away from his advance. He stopped when he was almost near my mouth. After a few moments, he put the mushroom down and walked away. I blinked in confusion.
     What's wrong with him today? I arched an eyebrow at his retreating form. I noticed that he walked over to some other girls who were happily talking with him, making a twist in my heart.
     "I'm sorry Kagome. I know this is hard but I love you and I'm here for you. I'm dying to take you to the beach. You'll have so much fun, you'll forget about what happened." Ami sweetly said to me. I smiled at her and patted her head.
     "Thank you Ami. I'm in. When?"
     "How about Saturday?" Ami suggested.
     "Yeah. That sounds like fun but do either of you have a swimsuit." Kei asked, making me falter in my smile.
     "Uh, no." I smiled in embarrassment. "I might have to go after school." Then I thought about how many of my familiars would love to come with me. I sighed.
     "What's wrong?" Ami and Kei asked.
     "I have something to tell you two." I looked to Shippo. "Shippo, keep Tomoe busy and you can have my lunch."
     "Awesome!" He happily sat down in my seat and started eating. "Leave the job to me." He saluted.
     "Thanks." I patted his head as I took Ami and Kei to the roof. "I brought you here cuz I have a very important secret and I trust you guys."
     "Is it about your powers as a Miko Kagome?" Ami tilted her head innocently.
     "Well it's about powers but not only as a Miko. I'm actually the current god in the Mikage Shrine. I want you to be aware that some people will be joining us because they are worried about my safety."
     "A god!!!!" Ami's and Kei's eyes widened.
     "Yes, the land god and matchmaking."
     "Wow!" They still looked at me with shock. "That's cool."
     "But sounds like a handful." Kei stated.


     After school, I decided to go shopping with Ami and Kei for a new bathing suit. We were heading out of the school gate when a limo pulled up to the curb. The end of the car landed in front of us. The window nonchalantly rolled down, revealing a Sesshomaru looking at us.
     "So I hear you guys are going to the beach this Saturday?" He asked.
     "Tomoe?" I arched a brow at him. He shook his head.
     "No it was actually Shippo. He's said if I want to get on your good side, I should do something nice." Sesshomaru stated honestly.
     You are too honest for your own good. I nervously laughed. I glared over my shoulder at Shippo, who innocently looked away. I will deal with him later. "Yes we were planning on it."
    "Perhaps I can give you a ride to the swimsuit place along with everyone else. Also I was thinking about having everyone stay over the villa I have beside the beach." Sesshomaru offered.
     He may be trying to suck up but I ain't taking any bribes. I thought to myself. I was about to say something when Kei and Ami said something.
     "Really? That's awesome. We'll be able to save money and we will have some home cooked meals." They said together, drooling at the mouth. I sighed and looked at my friends hopelessly. They looked at me, their eyes begging me. I sighed even more and I nodded to Sesshomaru. He smiled and opened the door, ushering us into the limo. I was met with all my familiars, lovers and surprisingly Inuyasha, Jinenji, Yaboku and Yukine. Mizuki flung himself over and held onto me, making Tomoe get angry once again. It felt like last night was going to repeat itself again.

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