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 **First of all, I would like to say. I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA OR KAMISAMA KISS OR ANY OTHER ANIME. THE ONLY THING THAT I OWN IS SOME OF THE PLOT AND THE OTHER CHARACTERS. Well, plot goes to the original authors, I just made some slight to major changes. But all in all it's a good story. Also any pictures I do used, ARE NOT MINE. They just give you readers gist of what's going on. I just wanted to make this disclaimer. But please enjoy the story.**

     Loud panting could be heard as I maneuvered around the area. The earth exploded not too far ahead of me, making little chunks of earth pelt me in the face. Skidding to a stop, I looked to my right to see Inuyasha holding off one of Naraku's tentacles while Sango and Miroku were fighting against minor demons. Kirara jumped behind Sango as a tentacle went after Sango, and sunk her teeth down into the tender flesh. Shippo's screaming could be heard to my left. My head snapped into his direction, finding him running away from an incoming tentacle. He threw some of his fox fire at it; the tentacle writhing in pain. But it did not stop it.
     I knocked an arrow onto my bow and pointed it at the tentacle. Calming my heart and my breathing, I took a deep breath before I released the arrow.
     Hit the mark. I screamed in my thoughts. My reiki rapidly enveloped my arrow as I soared through the air, finally landing upon its mark. The tentacle bursted from the impact, causing Naraku to take a sharp breath.
     "Thanks Momma." Shippo called as he threw some more fox fire onto Naraku. I readied my bow once more and aimed my arrow at Naraku, but what I didn't know was that one of his tentacles was already heading straight for me.
     "Kagome!!!" Inuyasha yelled as he pushed against Naraku and made his way towards me.
     He isn't going to make it in time. I closed my eyes tightly shut waiting for the impact, but nothing came. I peeked through my lashes before completely opening my eyes. There stood before me a familiar figure, his long sliver hair gracefully shifting against his back from the sudden movement.
     "You all right?" He asked as he looked over his shoulder, effortlessly warding of Naraku's tentacle. He amber eyes glancing up and down my body, making sure that I was fine. I nodded as I continued to stare at my savior.
     "Yes. I'm fine. Thank you Sesshomaru." I kindly thanked him. He nodded his head while turning his attention back onto Naraku. He pushed the tentacle back, then sliced it up before pouncing forward. Taking this opportunity, I ran to a different direction and glanced at the battle taking place. As I was running, I tried looking for an opening, anything to help. At the same time, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha jumped and attacked Naraku's main body, only to slice air. I could hear Naraku's dark sinister laughter as he disappeared with his miasma. I flared my reiki around my body as I used it as a barrier. I continued follow Naraku's and the jewels presence. I could see the jewels going closer to what looked like Naraku's heart. My eyes widened.
     Immediately, I shot an arrow covered in reiki in the direction of the merging jewel. Only to be deflected off his barrier. I cursed as I readied my last arrow.
     "Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, on my signal use a long distance attack." I yelled towards them. I saw them both nod their heads as they evaded an attack from Naraku's reappeared tentacles.
     "You've got to better than that Kagome." Naraku chuckled at me, reappearing behind his barrier. I pulled back my arrow and steadied my breath. Carefully aiming it at his heart and the jewel, I released all my power into my arrow. 
     "Now!" I screamed as I released my arrow.
     "Windscar!" Inuyasha screamed as he brought down his red Tetsusaiga. While Sesshomaru slashed downward, releasing his greenish yokai wave. I noticed around Sesshomaru's yokai wave was a swirling black mist.
     My arrow flew ahead as the brothers attacks combined making a whirlwind of destruction. Naraku smiled as he looked at us trying in vein. But what he didn't know is that it will work this time. My arrow disappeared, making Naraku confused but his eyes widened when he saw my arrow reappeared behind his barrier hitting his person. Not a moment was wasted when the brothers attack hit squarely against Naraku's barrier. It shattered and Naraku was swept away by the continuous blasts of the attacks. He scream, echoed through the valley before it became silent.
     The Shikon no Tama slowly fell and clinked across the ground. Everyone was dead silent as the moments ticked by. Miroku immediately looked to his hand and unwrapped his wind tunnel. I could see that it slowly closed, then rendering it a normal hand. His eyes widened as he flipped his hand back and forth. A smile blossoming on his and Sango's faces. With that, we knew we finally destroyed Naraku.
     I moved my shaky legs, a side effect from overusing my powers, and went to the jewel. The dark sinister jewel was immediately purified as I touched it. A smile plastered itself upon my face as I looked to my companions. But they didn't share my happiness. Only pure looks of horror washed upon their features, including the Ice Prince, Sesshomaru. My brows furrowed in confusion before I felt my body being roughly pulled back. In my peripheral vision, I saw darkness swallowing me whole. I reached my hand out towards someone, anyone. Sesshomaru moved with incredible speed, but even with his inhuman speed couldn't help me when I was swallowed into the darkness.

**Here you go! The prologue of The Immortal Miko. Please give me any of your thoughts. It will surely help me improve this story. Please don't forget to:





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