Chapter 12

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     I woke up from a nightmare. My body shot straight up, covered in sweat. Panting, I quickly scanned my room, looking for any threats. When it was all clear, I tried to calm my breathing.
     Looking to my left, my mate was sound asleep. I guess he was in a dead sleep otherwise he would be all over me, asking me so many questions. I pulled off the covers, draped my legs over the side of the bed and got up. Goosebumps riddled my body when my feet made contact with the cold floor. I quietly went to the wardrobe and put on a robe. It would seem that I needed some fresh air.
     I made it outside without making a sound. The cool autumn breeze blew across the shrine grounds. I walked down to underneath the tori gate and leaned against the gate. The full moon glistened perfectly across the entire city, shining like gems and riches.
     I wrapped my arms across my chest as I stared out to the city. My mind kept replaying the nightmare over and over again. It was like a broken record. The cool breeze blew a little bit of my hair into my face. With a graceful motion, I tucked the strand behind my ear.
     A shiver of recognition went down my spine when I felt an almost similar aura. Sinister, like miasma. But I couldn't figure out where. These lands were purified so I couldn't understand why. I looked around, hoping to see why the cause of the sinister miasma came here, only to find Yato standing behind me. I jumped at his sudden appearance.
     "Geez, nothing like giving me a fright you jerk." I calmed my racing heart. He slyly smirked and walked over, standing beside me.
     "Ah, where's the fun in that." He smirked at me, almost looking like a cat. I snickered.
     "So how's it been? Being conned out of anything again?" I teased.
     "Hey, hey, hey. I'm not being conned out of anything. I'm making purchases to help my future." He huffed, folding his arms across his chest.
     "Right, says the one who bought a big ass pot last week, saying that if you rub the pot in a certain way and shout happy, happy, cool, cool, it will magically make your future better." I scoffed, mentally laughing at him. His face was priceless when I had Tomoe and Mizuki break the damned thing. "You're the most gullible god I know. I thought you were the one to change your luck not stupid knick knacks from swindlers."
     "Hey, I can't help it if they have a great sales slogan." Yaboku pouted.
     "And that's why your hopeless." I shook my head and looked out towards the city again.
     "So why are you out here?" Yaboku leaned his head against my shoulder.
     "Something sinister is around and I can't pinpoint where. With this around, it made many memories resurface and made me have nightmares."
     "Your death being one of them?" Yaboku looked softly down at me. I could see the concern in his eyes. I nodded and continued to stare at the city. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me, not being my own. I glanced down, seeing the familiar track suit. I blinked in surprise as his arms tightened, pulling me into his chest. The faint sound of his breath and his heartbeat could be heard as I stayed put. He placed his chin on my shoulder and then buried his face into the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry we've brought up some nasty memories."
     "It's fine really. You didn't know and I voluntarily brought it up. So there's no need to be sad."
     "Can I see it?" He whispered into my ear as his arms tightened once again, his body slightly shivering. He didn't like the idea of me dying. I sighed and put my arm to the side. Holding up my hand, I casted out a fog like screen. The screen was smoky for a moment before the pictures of our group fighting started. Yaboku's eyes landed firmly on the screen, following the events one by one. "Is that Naraku?"

 "Is that Naraku?"

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