Chapter 2

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"She's over here Gramps." I heard someone call, though I couldn't tell who because of my groggy state. I groaned as I slowly sat up, clutching my head as it pounded. Slowly, I peeled open my eyes and found myself at the bottom of the well. Suddenly a light engulfed the area. I looked up to find Sota and Gramps standing above me with a flashlight in hand.

"Sota? Grandpa?" I narrowed my eyes behind my hand, guarding them from the harsh light.

"Kagome? What are you doing back so early?" Gramps asked as I slowly stood up.

"And why were you knocked out?" Sota questioned.

"I'll explain later." I hissed as my world started to spin again. My body felt like it was hit by a truck. I blinked away the dizziness and walked over to the ladder. I went to start climbing but my eye caught something to my side. Placing my feet back on the ground, I walked over to the object that caught my attention. It was a piece of paper with a horrible drawing of directions. I cringed as I turned it around, there was beautifully written address. I could tell someone else wrote this. I stuffed the paper into my pocket as I slowly ascended.

Well that piece of paper only confirmed that wasn't a dream that I experienced. I sighed as I heaved myself onto the edge of the well. I looked to Sota and Gramps and found them staring at me with wide eyes. My brows furrowed together. "Is something the matter?"

"You've changed." They simply stated.


It's been three days since I came back from the feudal era. A lot happened during these three days. My family was astonished to learn that I was now a land god and I was currently being courted. They were happier than anything. I softly smiled as I watched their reaction; but on the inside I felt like I was being torn apart. I didn't have the heart to tell them about my immortality.

I hoisted my backpack back up onto my shoulders as I walked over to the well. I looked over my shoulder at my family, who were giving the brightest smiles ever seen. I chuckled as I shook my head. I slid the door open to the well house. My head was whirling with anticipation of what Sesshomaru would think about this.

I stared down into the well, nervous about what might happen. I took a deep breath before I took the plunge, ready to meet the others.

Searing pain went up my leg as I crashed down onto dirt. A hiss escaped my lips; my entire body was screaming in agony. I propped myself onto my arms as I looked around at my surroundings. My eyes widened as I immediately looked up to the top of the well. The well house roof stood over me. I was still on this side of the well. My nails dug into the earth as panic started to swirl around in my chest. I totally forget that without the jewel, I wouldn't be able to go back. It was the jewel that transported me back and forth. Tears ran down the sides of my face before my heart shattered into million pieces.

Pulling my legs up to my chest, I curled myself tightly into the fetal position. My quiet sobs turned into full blown screaming in agony. I heard the well door slam open and pounding of feet. A light poured down onto my broken form. I weakly looked up to my family.

"I can't go back." I whimpered.


A month had passed since I found out that I couldn't return. My mind slowly healed at it but my heart still stung.
I got dressed in some blue skinny jeans, a white blouse and some black flats. When I made sure that I looked a bit presentable, I nodded with approval. I went to my door but paused for a moment. I looked over my shoulder, my eyes landing upon the piece of paper on my desk.

Sighing, I walked up to my desk and grabbed ahold of the paper. I cringed again at the horrible drawing of this makeshift map; once again turning it around to the beautiful script writing.

The Immortal Miko (Inuyasha/Kamisama kiss/Noragami Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now