Chapter 15

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     Today I was going into town to get some supplies for my trip to Izumo. I was going to bring my three new members with me so they could get the general layout of the the land. Also for them to get some socialization, being around us 'unique' people probably wasn't good for their health.
     I dressed in a cute outfit. I wore some black skinny jeans, a cute light grey cotton tie collar decorative lace hollow out long sleeve blouse, my black beanie, and my Elsa sneakers. For jewelry I put on my heart angel wing earrings, a moonstone ring and my yin and yang dragon necklace. I grabbed my purse and head out of my room.

     Currently I was trying to find Tomoe so he could help me get this stupid necklace out of my hair

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     Currently I was trying to find Tomoe so he could help me get this stupid necklace out of my hair. It was tangled up pretty bad. I ran outside since I couldn't find him inside the shrine. Mamoru was hanging out on my head.
     "Tomoe!" I called as I fiddled with my necklace, only to make more of a mess with my necklace. "Where the hell are you?" Suddenly I heard someone land behind me. I turned to look.
     "You called for me." He simply stated as he walked up to me.
     "It's about time you showed up. I seriously need your help here." I paused. "My necklace is caught in my hair and I can't get it out to safe my life. Get it off me." I said in a rush, slightly tugging on it.
     Tomoe sighed. "You require such coddling." He teased as he went to help with my hair. Suddenly Mamoru pounced off my head and transformed into his human skin.
     "You know, if all you looking for is a good grooming, you should ask me." Mamoru said with a one eyed smile.
     "Yup. You pop a squat and I'll get that out for you." The you was a little gurgled since Tomoe kicked Mamoru right on the head, making Mamoru revert back to his monkey form. I could feel the jealousy radiating off him in waves. But I could care less, he kicked poor Mamoru. He was being just like Inuyasha with Shippo.
     "That's quite enough monkey business. Don't forget your place. She came to me looking for assistance. Now behave yourself and be quiet chimp."
     I grabbed Mamoru and yelled. "Leave Mamoru alone, he's trying to help me." I held him in my arms and ran to the shrine door. "Forget it, I'll get Mizuki to help me take it off." I said slamming the door, leaving a baffled Tomoe behind me.
     I kissed Mamoru's head and placed him down on the soft pillow beside me as we went to the living room. Mizuki was sitting at the table watching some tv.
     "Mizuki there you are." I smiled as I walked over to him, sitting in front of him. "I need your help."
     "How can I help Kagome?" He smiled.
     "The necklace is caught in my hair and I can't get it out to safe my life." I whimpered.
     "That's all." He snickered.
     "I'm serious." I huffed.
     "Alright, alright. Turn around." He twirled his finger to emphasize. I turned around and lifted up my hair, so he get a good look at the damage. "Geez Kagome, were you trying to defuse a bomb?"
     "Stuff it."
     He chuckled before he carefully unwound my hair from the necklace. With each strand that he pulled loose, my scalp felt better. I didn't feel like my brain was being pulled out. When the final strand was out, I felt his hot breath hit my skin. I clamped my hand around my neck and turned to look at him.
     "Take it as payment." He smirked and winked at me.
     "Perverted snake." I mumbled. Tomoe decided to grace us and sit over in the corner, pouting. I looked at the calculations I did earlier and rolled the pencil in a bored way. "Do you think everyone can come to Izumo with me?"
     "That is no consequence. Being that we can't leave the shrine completely unattended, I'll shall accompany you to Izumo. The snake can hold the fort here." Tomoe stated casually.
     "That's quite the plan since," Mizuki pointed to himself "between the two of us, I'm the expert in all things Izumo." Then he glared coldly at him with a smile. "You may be the land gods familiar, but you never attended the divine assembly even once, have you?" I lightly smacked him when I saw Tomoe's expression.
     "He's never been?"
     "With Tomoe's past as a wild fox, he truly be harrassed if he ever went to the divine assembly. He spared that disgrace by playing the house wife." Mizuki explained, a little too cheerfully. An angry Tomoe came over and started to kick him on his back while Mizuki cried. "Poor Mikage, he was so kind and generous."
     "You see, with me by our mistress's side, Lady Kagome would carry a greater air of prestige and general elegance about her." Mizuki taunted.
     "Avoiding such attention is the reason why I should go with her. In addition, I can't trust her safety to unreliable snake." Tomoe bit back.
     "You have no idea where you're going. You'll only slow her down." Mizuki roared.
     "You know full well that you can barely make your way through a human crosswalk." Tomoe hissed.
     "Okay you two that's enough. There's no need to fight. " I said as calm as possible. I could slowly feel my anger starting to rise. Suddenly one of the two threw a little wooden box and it hit me right in the head. "I said stop fighting!" I roared angrily while getting to my feet. They immediately faced me with there heads slightly down. "Violence is prohibited. If we absolutely must leave one of you at home, I will decide on who's going to go by...a game of shogi. Winner takes all."
     Shippo chuckled as he brought in the board and set it in between them. Both of them looked gloomy as they stared at it. I guessed that they never played it before. Well this was going to be fun.
      "I'm going off to get my supplies. So you two better sort it out by the time I get back to the shrine." I said as I left the room with Shippo. "Are you mad that your staying home?"
     "Not really, I can get you notes from school while your gone. Also I'll be spending the time with Soten and Koryu."
     "Ah, a little alone time." He playfully jabbed his side with my elbow. He blushed and pushed my arm away.
     "Not like that." He cleared his throat.
     "Uh, huh." I raised my brow skeptically. "Well you have the other familiars and my lovers to keep you company."
     "You didn't tell Taji, Koga or Inugami that your leaving, did you?" He cringed.
     "Nope, otherwise I'll never get anything done." I sighed. "Good luck with that."
     "Thanks mom." He sighed in defeat.
     "No problem." I smiled. "Eri, Hitoshi, Alyson we're going."
     "Okay!" I heard three voices yells before the owners arrived.
     We quietly walked down the roads in town. The three were amazed at everything here. While I was getting a few things from the store, I decided to spoil them as well since I did that for everyone else. They happily shopped as I looked through my phone at what I needed. As I was scrolling through my list, a familiar face popped up on my screen as a call came in. It happened to be a video call. I shrugged and hit the button. On screen was my gorgeous mate, topless. I could feel my nose start to bleed.
     "Your nose is bleeding mate." Sesshomaru chuckled.
     "No, it's just ketchup." I lied as I rubbed the blood away with a tissue. He rolled his eyes in disbelief but didn't say anything. "So I heard from Shippo that you are leaving for Izumo tomorrow."
     "Yeah, Yaboku and I are going first thing tomorrow morning. I planning on bringing Eri, Hitoshi and Alyson with me. But I don't know which guide I'm bringing, Tomoe and Mizuki are fighting again." I groaned.
     "That's nothing new." He laughed, trying to make it look discreet.
     "So who is Eri, Hitoshi and Alyson?" Sesshomaru overlooked my name calling.
     "Oh right, I haven't introduced them to you yet. They are my new shikigami. Eri is a cute wolf and Hitoshi and Alyson are twin dragons."
     "Wait you hatch two dragons from one shikigami egg? Is that possible?" He looked at me confused. I shrugged.
     "Mizuki never heard of it happening before but Tomoe said look who hatched them."
     "I have to agree with Tomoe. You are a miracle worker." He smooth talked.
     "Still not getting any brownie points mister."
     "Damn." He snapped his fingers and smiled. "Worth a shot." He laughed, catching the attention of cute little Alyson. She came over and peeked at my phone.
     "Who's that my Lady?" Alyson asked. Sesshomaru then looked to her with a smirk. She blushed and hid behind me. I smiled down at her and patted her head.
     "Kagome is fine and that's my husband Sesshomaru. You guys haven't met him because he is overseas for business."
     "That's not very nice. Leaving your wife with a bunch of nagging men." Alyson lectured Sesshomaru. I sweat dropped as Sesshomaru laughed.
    "I like this girl." He smiled. "What's your name?"
     "My name is Alyson." She mumbled as she hid behind me again.
     "Aw, shy little thing." His eyes glowed with happiness. It made me wonder what was going through that mind of his. But looking at Alyson, she did remind me of our daughter Rin. Deciding to spare her from further torment, I intervened.
     "So how's work?" I asked.
     "Could be better." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "The deal is not going smoothly."
     "Is it because of Jaken?" I teased. I heard a hey in the background.
     "No, it seems that we aren't seeing eye to eye."
     "Are you talking nothing but numbers to these people?"
     "Yes, isn't that always how it's done?"
      "Ugh," I rubbed my face in aggravation "this is why you can be a halfwit some times. The only reason you were able to get a deal with Saotome was because of me."
     "How did you do it?"
     "I take it Jaken didn't inform you." I raised my brow. I saw Sesshomaru give a side glare to Jaken, who was no doubt scared out of his wits.
     I sighed. "Well I told him how music made me feel. Try to understand the client more before you start spouting off numbers. If they are a family person, they look at the company as one of their family members. Try thinking outside of the box for once instead of forcing your way in with sheer power and money. Not everyone will be please with just numbers."
     Sesshomaru sat there quietly for a moment, processing what I just said. He then gave orders to Jaken to see what he could find on the client so he could understand him better.
     "And no blackmailing. You don't need any more enemies." I warned.
     "I got a wife to protect now. I'll try to keep the enemy list down to a minimum." He smirked.
     "I'll hold you to that." I smiled.
     "Mistress, who are you talking to?" Eri's said. I looked up from the phone and saw Eri and Hitoshi with things in their arms. I chuckled at poor Hitoshi's expression with all the girl clothes mixed in with his own. I took it Alyson and Eri went hog wild.
     "I'm just talking with my husband who's overseas for business. You'll meet him when we get back from Izumo."
     "Maybe after a couple of days." Sesshomaru snickered. I blushed like crazy.
     "Perv." I huffed. He chuckled. Eri was curious on who was talking so she came around and saw the man on the other side.
     "That's Sesshomaru we've heard about." Eri asked with fascination in her eyes.
     "That's Lord Sesshomaru wench." Jaken's voice called from somewhere.
     "Silence Jaken." Sesshomaru and I ordered.
     "Yeah, you can tell that they are married." Hitoshi said as he hoisted the clothes up. I gave the phone to Alyson, who pointed it at me as I helped poor Hitoshi out. He gave me a thankful look as I helped relieve him of some of the burden. I smiled at him, making him blush.
     "And this must be Hitoshi." Sesshomaru said as he scoped Hitoshi out. Hitoshi looked to the phone and tried to bow.
     "My Lord." He said in a respectful tone.
     "He has my approval." Sesshomaru smiled.
     "On what?" I asked curiously, but I was afraid to know the answer.
     "To be a lov..."
     "Okay I get it." I interrupted before he could finish that statement. He laughed at my expense for a bit before Jaken told him that he had a meeting. He sighed and looked to me.
     "I have to go now mate. Love you."
     "Love you too." I sent a kiss his way before Alyson shut off my phone. I kindly took it from her hands and placed it in my back pocket. We carried our haul over to the cashier, who was surprised.
     There was a few bags to be carried, despite of what we got. I quickly got what I needed from the drug store and started to walk towards a sweets shop. I wanted to get everyone something sweet before I left. But before I could enter the shop, I felt four evil presences. I could feel them coming from behind us and closing in fast. I looked around and saw that there were too many people around. I had to make it to the nearest park, where there weren't many people around. With a snap of my fingers the bags disappeared, being safely transported to the shrine. They all looked to me weird.
     "Follow me. We have several evil presences coming after us. We need to get them away from the crowd." I said before taking off running. They followed in step with me as we ran through the streets.
     We made it into the park in no time but there was something I didn't expect. A man was sitting there reading and there wasn't anytime to evacuate him.
     "Excuse me, I'm really sorry about this." I screamed as I jumped in front of him, guarding him as a flood of miasma rolled in. "Please don't move okay." I whispered to him. Eri shifted into her wolf form and protected my front while Hitoshi and Alyson floated around us in a protective manner. I heard the guys breath hitch.
     Suddenly the miasma disappeared and four demon like beings stood in there. But from their power, it seemed to be divine only tainted with evil. This told me that these were fallen gods.
     "Are you the human," the old hag looking god pointed to me "the one who was invited to the divine assembly?"
     "Yes I am." I growled.
     "Unbelievable." She yelled as a bright light lit up for a couple of moments. "I've never seen such gall. Just a filthy human and you dare set foot in the realm of the divine. You seek to much for yourself, so decline. Don't bother going. Do this and I won't disembowel you right where you stand."
      "Make me if you can. It seems that you has-beens still see glory that you can not receive. Let me teach you a lesson." I smirked as I erected a barrier, the miasma purifying around it. With the barrier in place, Alyson and Hitoshi flew over to them, circling around them. As they did so, I could see a faint blue line trail behind them. Once the line fully connected, they flew away to come back to protect me. "Purify."
     A blue hue enveloped them and the surrounding area. Their screams of pain coming from inside. Within moments, the light and them disappeared and the surrounding miasma was cleansed. I sighed as Eri, Alyson and Hitoshi reverted back to their human skins. I looked to the guy a smiled.
     "Sorry for getting you caught in all this." I looked at the guy closely. "Hey, your the guy from the festival. The one who bought the death mask."
     "You are?"
     "Kagome Higurashi. I'm the one who runs the shrine."
     "I see."
     "I see that you are hurt. Do you want me to help or send you to the hospital?" I asked when I saw that the miasma burned his skin.
     "I know something more effective than a hospital." He leaned in, looking like he was ready to kiss me. I kindly pushed him away, clearing my throat.
     "Okay, you seem fine. I'll be on my way." I waved goodbye as my familiars surrounded me, looking at him coldly. "Try to take better care of yourself, Akura Ou."
     With that, we left before he could talk to us. I managed to go to the sweet shop I was heading to earlier and ordered a lot of sweets. Maybe I could run by the host club to drop some of for Honey since he likes them so much. After I bought so much, I sent Eri and Alyson back with the containers while Hitoshi and I went to  Ouran Academy.
     I put the sweets into a space I created inside the ring and went into an alleyway. I looked around to check if it was all clear before shifting into my Phoenix form and flew to the skies. Hitoshi transformed into his dragon form and followed me. What would have taken a while was only done in minutes. I had to admit, flying was convenient. Hitoshi and I landed on the roof, shifted back and made our way inside the Academy. I walked around until I got to the familiar room. I opened the door, petals falling out.
     "Welcome." Seven voices called.
     "Thanks very much." I happily smiled.
     "Ka-chan." Honey screamed as he ran over and jumped into my arms. I twirled him around a bit before putting him down.
     "Hey Kagome, what are you doing here?" Haruhi asked while the twins managed somehow to come over and put their arm on my shoulders.
     "Ah!" I remember as I summoned up the containers of sweets I bought. "I brought some sweets for you guys." I handed Haruhi two containers and then Honey three. "Those are for you." I winked at him.
     "Yay!!! You're the best Ka-chan." Honey exclaimed and brought them over to Mori. "Takashi. Look what Ka-chan got me."
     "She spoils you." Mori simply stated.
     "It's probably because I'm her favorite." Honey smiled as he left to go eat some cake. Though, he left several members shocked at his statement. I cleared my throat while slinking out from the twins and went to Hitoshi's side. He looked from me to the guys, questioning.
     "My cousin," I pointed to Haruhi "and friends." He simply nodded and didn't say anymore. I pinched his cheeks and pulled them. "Speak more damnit."
     He kindly swatted my hands away, then rubbed his poor cheeks. I rolled my eyes at him before facing Haruhi.
     "Who's he?"
     "One of my newest familiars, Hitoshi the dragon." I introduced him. He did a folded arm bow to them, then released. He didn't say anything after that. I clicked my tongue. "Yeah, so...I have something to tell you."
     "What is it?" Haruhi asked.
     "I'm going to be away starting tomorrow for a week."
     "Where?" The twins asked.
     "To Izumo." I glanced at them before focusing on Haruhi. "I was invited to the divine assembly."
     "Shut up! Really!" Haruhi was excited. I chuckled and nodded my head. "That's awesome, congrats cuz."
      "Thanks." I smiled, then looked to everyone. "Well I just wanted to pop in for a bit. I'll see you guys around." I looked back to Haruhi. "I'll see you at Uncle Renjiro's wedding in two weeks."
     "See you then. Good luck."
     "Thanks I'm gonna need it." I waved goodbye as I left. "Oh and Haruhi, get a date for this wedding." I winked to her as I walked away as she cursed me out.

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