Chapter 6

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     The small movement from behind me stirred me awake. Slowly peeling my eyes open, I saw Sesshomaru get off the bed and go to the adjoining bathroom. I sat up stretching, completely sore from yesterday's events. By thanks to Sesshomaru's body heat and comfort, I was able to at least get a decent amount of sleep. I looked to the window and found it still dark outside.
     What is he doing up this early? I yawned.
     "Did I wake you?" He asked as he can out of the bathroom. I could smell his shampoo and body wash, indicating that he took a shower. I shook my head, smiling at him.
     "I am fine." I yawned. "I'm just a light sleeper is all. It's from training my body for three years."
     "I keep forgetting it's like two months for you." He chuckled. He dried his hair and body before placing the towels into the bathroom.
     "What time is it?"
     "About three." He said as he looked through his wardrobe.
     "Why you up so early?" I stretched, relieving some of the stress on my muscles.
     "I have another business trip in the states. I have to leave this morning. I should be back in four days."
     "Ah." I frowned.
     "Don't be like that."
     "How can I not?" I folded my arms over my chest. "I did just get you back yesterday."
     "I know," he chuckled as he walked over while buttoning his shirt "it should be my only business trip for a while. Unless something else goes wrong." He grumbled as he fiddled with his tie. After a few moments of aggravation, he gave up on tying his tie.
     "Here," I chuckled "let me get that for you." I crawled over to him, sitting next to him as I fixed his tie. He silently watched me as I happily hummed. "And there."
     "How'd you know who to do this?" He asked while looking at his tie.
     "I did it for my father many times." I softly smiled before it turned to a frown. He gently grasped my hands and stroked them with his thumb. He picked me up and set me onto his lap. "Maru, you shouldn't do this. I'm naked."
     "Let me guess! You want to smell like your mate."
     "Maybe." His cheeks turned dark from his blush. I smiled and kissed his cheek. His arms enveloped me, filling me with warmth and love. "I love you Kagome."
     "I love you too Maru." I buried my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent.
     I didn't even realize that I fell asleep until the light of the morning sun came in from the window. Putting my hand in front of my face, I slowly sat up, blinking away the sleep from my eyes. I went to get up but to be stopped by something. I looked down and found a clawed hand on my hip. My brows furrowed as I continued to stare. I knew that Sesshomaru left this morning to make it to his meeting in the states, so who was this?
     I followed the hand and up the arm, until I saw who was the culprit. His long white hair was tied in a loose braid in front of him.  The ears on top of his head flicked and his tailed swished side to side. My cheeks warmed as I realized that he was naked, let alone I was. When my brain finally clicked, I grabbed ahold of a pillow next to me and slammed it on top of his face.
     "Taji! What the hell are you doing in my bed?" I screamed with rage.
     "Now, now. Is that any way to treat your lover?" Taji smiled cunningly as he moved the pillow from his face. He leaned onto his hand, laying there seductively.
     "Taji!" I said as I grit my teeth together. My reiki spiked, sending a warning to Taji. When he didn't flinch from it, I summoned it to my hand and threw a small amount at him. It burned his hip but he got to his feet, revealing his entire package to me. Blushing again, I sent another small amount of reiki at him. He yelled when it came into contact with his bare ass. "Now get out." I threw a big amount at him, making him scurry out the door. The reiki dispersed when it hit the door behind Taji.
     After taking soothing breaths, I got to my feet and went to the bathroom to wash up for the day. I let the warm water trickle on my body, my mind blank. I sighed as I finished up my shower after I realized that standing here like an idiot won't help. Quickly drying and brushing my hair and teeth, I walked to the room looking for my clothes. When I entered the room, Shippo was there with a smirk upon his face.
     "Now what's with that look?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
     "Nothing, besides teaching a Taji a lesson, we happen to be late for school." Shippo snickered as he held up my uniform. My eyes widened as I grabbed the uniform, threw him out of my room and quickly put on my uniform. As I was tugging my jacket on, I ran through the hallway.
     "Tomoe? Why didn't you wake me up? I'm going to be late now." I yelled at him as I fiddled with my tie.
     "Are you ready for breakfast?" He asked as he carefully tasted the broth for a meal, clearly ignoring my ranting. He grabbed ahold of a tray that held my breakfast on and faced me with a smile. At the look of the food and the smell, my mouth started to water. I really wanted to eat but I didn't have the time. "You are having rice porridge. I have added a thick yoshino sauce to it and oh, and sesame toppings."
     "Sorry no time to eat." I shouted as I grabbed ahold of my bookbag and ran passed him with Shippo at my heels.
     "Hold it." Tomoe said sternly while grabbing ahold of the back of my collar, making me stop in my tracks. "You're leaving without your lunch and your headgear." Tomoe said with a smile upon his face as he held up my lunch and a headband with a heart on it.
     I wasn't going to wear that tacky headband. I've been able to surpress my aura. "I just need the lunch Tomoe. I don't go there to fight, I go to learn."
     "There is a visitor coming to the shrine today. Therefore, I can't step away from here. To be honest, I worry for you. Let's face it," He said in a caring tone and he actually expressed concern, then it changed to a playful crying.  "you're weak as a wee bug."
     "I'm going." I rolled my eyes as I ran out of the shrine with Shippo following me.
     "Kagome!" Tomoe shouted after me but I didn't care. As I continued to run, I heard a rumble above me. Looking to the sky, I looked like it was going to rain. But as I looked to the sky, I couldn't help but think about Sōten. I wonder how she was doing and her dragon Kōryū. 
     As I got to class, I heard the other girls gossip about how Kurama was sick and he wasn't coming to school. As I listened, Shippo planted in the seat next to me since Tomoe wasn't going to be here. Suddenly my bag started moving, startling me, which was a rarity now since I can sense auras. Soon enough my zipper opened, revealing Kotetsu and Onikiri.
     "Lady Kagome!" They greeted happily.
     "What the?" I narrowed my eyes. "Why are you in my bag?"
     "We are here on Master Tomoe's orders." Kotetsu said as they flew out of my bag, circling us.
     "We, will of the wisps, shall guard you and make sure you are safe as safe can be." Onikiri stated as Kotetsu and her did a fan dance, annoying the crap out of me.
     "Ah Kagome?" A girl from my class approached me. I glared at her from over my shoulder. "Is Tomoe not coming to school today?"
     "No. Now buzz off." I growled. She flinched and walked away from me, mumbling something underneath her breath.
     I hate a fake bitch. Nothing good comes out of them. I seethed in my thoughts. I placed my bag on the hook on my desk and started the class while the sprites guarded me.

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