Chapter 3

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     I yawned as I slowly sat up from my bed. Stretching, I looked around and found a very extravagant room. I smacked my lips together as I continued to stare at the room.
     Wait? This isn't my room. I flinched awake. I looked down and found the sprites in front of me.
     "Good morning Lady Kagome." The sprites said happily while bowing.
     "Morning." I laughed nervously. "Where am I?"
     "My lady we are in the inner shrine." (Onikiri)
     "Known as your room Lady Kagome." (Kotetsu)
     "But the shrine looks different from before." I said, confused how it could change over night.
     "Yes, in order to make your environment more livable," (Onikiri)
     "Master Tomoe and Lord Sesshomaru readied all of these things for you." (Kotetsu)
     They did? "Why though?"
     "You successfully made both Master Tomoe and Lord Sesshomaru your familiar yesterday, remember?" (Onikiri)
     "It's the duty of the familiar to look after the god." (Kotetsu)
     Oh right I forgot about that. "So where are they?" I asked worriedly.
     "Lord Sesshomaru is sleeping beside you Lady Kagome." (Onikiri)
     I immediately looked to my side, and indeed Sesshomaru was laying next to me. His arm carefully draped over my waist.
     "If that indeed Master Tomoe," (Onikiri)
     "he's been by your side for some time now." (Kotetsu)
     They both looked to the right, making me follow their gazes. I then find Tomoe, sitting gloomy over by the right side of my bed. I flinched as I remembered that I forced him to become my familiar. I saw his yokai flare around him as his anger pooled for a moment. Then he looked to me with a dashing smile upon his face. My guard went immediately up.
     "Well good morning Kagome." Tomoe said with a sickly sweet voice. I mentally cringed on how nice he was being. "Good morning Lord Sesshomaru." He greeted to the now awake Taiyokai. Sesshomaru glared at the kitsune but nodded his response. "Your bed chamber was in state of neglect so I took liberty to see to your accommodations while you slept. I've prepared everything I could imagine." He gracefully turned towards me without releasing his sitting position. "Though it was against my will, starting today I am your familiar. I, Tomoe, shall obey your orders regardless of what they may be. If you need anything in the future, I humbly ask for you to come to me with those needs." Tomoe said with a smile.
     "Huh?" I looked at him skeptically. "Quit the crap, I know you are still angry at me."
     "I think mad is far too tepid. I'm seething... I'm seething with pure rage." His smile turning into a furious scowl and his eyes full of hatred. "The humiliation of having to serve a little girl like you. The ratchetness of it kept me from sleeping at all last night." Suddenly his anger diminished. "But it can not be helped," he placed his fan underneath his chin "since it has come to this, I will have you become a living god worthy of me."
     "Worthy how?" I huffed while Sesshomaru placed me into his lap, trying to calm himself down. He was going to kill my familiar.
     "A gods power is called divine power." He was getting ready to go into a full on lecture. "You desperately need to increase your level of that power. The quickest and easiest way for this level increase to happen is for you to hear peoples prayers and do what you can to grant their wishes."
     "Grant them?" I tilted my head a bit in confusion. "But how?"
     "For an example, we can look at Mikage, he is the god of matchmaking and granted loads of love sick prayers. So his divine powers of matchmaking is extremely strong."
     Oh, this is a shrine for matchmaking? He doesn't like me but he's carefully explaining everything to me at the same time.
     "Now, let's see how your divine powers are." Tomoe stated. Suddenly the was a wooden bucket in front of me. "Now try turning this water into sake. Use a white talisman if you wish."
     I nodded as I gracefully left Sesshomaru's lap and sat down in front of it. My knees carefully tucked underneath me.
     "I think I might have to use one until I get a grasp of this." I pulled the white talismans out along with the inked brush. I wrote sake on the piece of paper and set it into the water. Faintly under the talisman, I could see a ripple.
     "Well I have a taste and see." Kotetsu stated as he dipped a wooden ladle into the bucket. He put it to his mouth. "Yes this is delicious sake."
     A smile tugged at my lips as I pridefully sat there. Suddenly Tomoe turned and was ready to leave before he was pounced on by Onikiri and Kotetsu.
     "Please don't leave Master Tomoe." They screamed as they held on tight.
     "Let go of me." Tomoe growled as he tried to get them off. "I'm not going anywhere."
     I heard Sesshomaru chuckle behind me.
     "And what do you think is so funny?" I peeked at him from over my shoulder. He pushed off of our bed and came walking over towards me. He helped me up and hugged me.
     "I just like the fact that my mate is powerful and she deserves to be noticed that way." He purred as he kissed my lips. Suddenly his golden bands turned a deep blue before once again disappearing. "What was that?"
     "You went from being a familiar to Lady Kagome's husband." Onikiri said happily.

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