Chapter 13 Pt.2

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     After getting the permits from town hall, I went with Soushi to the vendors. They all seemed to like where they were placed and they were happy to be apart of this. With those done, I was currently heading towards the school my cousin was attending. Luckily I called the principal ahead of time, he said I was allowed on campus and he told me where my cousin was. I sighed.
     "Kagome, you okay?" Soushi asked, looking at me through the rearview mirror.
     "Yeah, just a long day is all." I looked at the upcoming school.
     "So what is your cousin like?" Soushi tried to start a conversation.
     "A major bookworm. She got into this school through a scholarship. She pretty much takes care fo the house and the chores by herself since her father goes and getting the money for the home. She's quite unique, if I had to say so. A spitfire if you're not careful."
     "Sounds like quite the character." He chuckled as he pulled into the school gates.
     "Indeed." I laughed. Once he put the car in park, he kindly helped me out. Looking at the school, it screamed rich kid school. I sighed. "Let's get this over with. I can't stand the snobbish people."
     "As you wish." Soushi smiled. We slowly walked through the school, asking several different students where Music room 3 was. After many winding hallways and a lot of stairs, we were now in front of the door. I paused for a moment, hoping that I wouldn't interfere with her club activities but I quickly changed my mind since I wasn't going to be there long. I opened the door.
     "Welcome!" Seven different voices called.

**End of recap**

     In front of me was six guys and one girl, standing in front of me in a dignified manner. They all wore the school male uniform. Looking at this bunch, I had to step back and look at the sign handing by the door. It did definitely say Music room 3. So why did it look like a host club.
     "Sorry, I think I got the wrong room." I said before I solely focused on the female in the group. Now that I stared at her for a moment, she did seem familiar. Then it hit me, it was my cousin. Her long brown hair was cut short and her glasses were nowhere to be seen. Her contacts made her brown eyes pop more. "Ah!" I pointed to my cousin, startling the guys around her. "Haruhi!" I screamed with glee. Her face scrunched in confusion before it finally clicked too.
     "Kagome!" She screamed and ran over, engulfing me into a hug. "Oh, my gods, I missed you so much."
     "I did too." I smiled before playfully chopping her on her head. "Why are you in a host club?"
     "I owe some money so I'm paying back off." She whispered.
     "How much?"
     "A eight million yen is where i started."
     "What!" I screamed, looking at my poor cousin. "I can help you. I don't think Sesshomaru would mind."
     "Sesshomaru? Inuyasha's brother, why ask him?" She furrowed her brows together.
     "Oh right, the last time we talked I had a crush on Inuyasha. Well I'm mated now to Sesshomaru. Well, now known as Sesshomaru Taisho."
     "Ick." She flinched and sighed. "Well we need to catch up."
     "Mommy!" A male whined. We both turned our attention onto the weeping blonde boy, who was clutching onto the guy with glasses. "Haruhi is ignoring her father for this unknown woman!"
     "Should I even ask?" I leaned towards her, whispering. She sighed and shook her head.
     "Well Tamaki, did you just realize that?" The man said coldly with a smile. He was playing with a tablet of some sort. The poor blonde looked like he was shocked by lightning.
     "Soooo any way, what you doing here Kagome?" Haruhi asked with a smile.
     "I came to give you and uncle a invite to the shrine festival coming up."
     "Shrine festival?" Haruhi tilted her head in confusion. "The Higurashi shrine festival is not for another couple months."
      "No, not that one. It's at the Mikage shrine." I chuckled, leaning in closer. "I'm currently the goddess of that shrine."
     "What!" She screamed. I laughed.
     "It's true." I snickered. "Soushi?"
     "Yes." He elegantly walked in and up next to me.
     "Can I have my purse please? I don't know why you keep insisting that you have to wait on me hand and foot." I grumbled.
     "You know that my sole purpose in life is to serve you." He smiled, handing me my clutch. "Unless you want to end it." He said while taking out a katana.
     "Put that away. I'm not cutting ties." I sighed. "And where'd you pull that from anyways?" I rummaged through my clutch and pulled out the invitation. "Oh wait, fox magic. Should have known."
     "Who's this gorgeous specimen?" Haruhi asked.
     "This would be my right hand man and body guard Soushi." I smiled as I introduced him.
     "Nice to meet you Haruhi. Kagome has spoke quite highly of you." He kissed the back of her hand, making a lot of girls scream with delight. I just now noticed that there was a while bunch of girls in the room.
     "Thank you." She blushed before turning towards the black haired man in glasses. "Hey Kyoya, can you squeeze my cousin in?"
      "You currently have an open slot now. I'll put her in." Kyoya pushed his glasses up, revealing his hazel eyes.
      "Thanks." She smiled before dragging me towards a table with snacks. Soushi chuckling behind me. She carefully sat me down, then vanished to somewhere. Soushi's demonic aura spiked, startling me a bit. I looked back at him, noticing that he was looking beside the table opposite of me. Following his gaze, my eyes landed upon a small boy with swept back blonde hair. His golden eyes were focused in on the cake Haruhi placed in front of me. I smiled and pushed the cake towards him. He happily smiled.
     "Thank you." He said gleefully. As soon as I heard his voice, something clicked in my head.
     "Honey senpai?" I blinked in astonishment.
     "Hm?" He looked at me, his eyes trying to focus.
     "Since you're here, your cousin shouldn't be far away." I glanced around, finally landing upon a tall man with cropped black hair and dazed hazel eyes. "Mori, how's it going?"
     "It is you Kagome." He smiled at me. "How have you been?"
     "Stressed but good. You?"
     "I'm doing well." He glanced down at Honey, who was happily eating the cake, saving the strawberry for last. "Have you been keeping up with the training?"
     "Yes. Though, I don't think I'm near you or Honey."
     "Don't say that." Mori frowned. "You were quite skilled to keep up with the both of us."
     "Pah." I waved him off, giving him a smile.
     "Wow, that's the longest I ever heard Mori talk." The blonde from before whispered but thanks to my keen hearing, it was plain as day. "Who is this chick?"
      "I didn't know you were cousins with Haruhi." He glanced to my cousin who was walking back with a tea set, a really expensive one I might add.
     "Yeah, but because of some distance, different schools and my constant illnesses, we haven't really seen each other much."
     "So is there a reason your coming here today?" Mori asked.
     "Yeah, I'm inviting her and uncle to my shrine festival at the Mikage shrine." I smiled as I held up an envelope that had my invite. "Though it is for the public, I like to send little invites to my friends and family. If I had known you and Honey were here, I would happily made you some invites."
     "Shrine festival?" He tilted his head.
     "Right, rich kids." I chuckled. "Just come to the Mikage shrine. It's being held in two days. There will be games, food, sweets and at the end will be fireworks and my kagura dance."
     "Did you say sweets?" Honey's eyes sparkled.
     "Yes, though it's not as elaborate as these sweets, they are still pretty good."
     "Did you say you were doing the kagura dance?" Haruhi finally made it back, placing a hot cup of tea in front of me.
     "So gramps made you do it?"
     "No, I volunteered though Tomoe is not convinced that I can."
     "Head familiar." I said as I sipped on the tea, slightly scalding my tongue.
     "Silly, blow on it first." Soushi scolded me as he picked up the tea and blew on it. My cheeks grew warm as I blushed in embarrassment. Haruhi chuckled at me, earning her a glare.
     "I don't know who's more of a mother hen." Haruhi smirked. "Soushi or Tamaki."
     I stuck my tongue out at her before laughing. It was quite nice to hang out with her again after all this time. Her normalcy was quite refreshing. I handed her the invite. She smiled opening it up.
     "It's in two days. Awesome, dad and I will definitely come." Haruhi smiled.
     "Where are we going?" The blonde from earlier came over, rubbing his hands together.
     "My actual father Tamaki." Haruhi stated coldly. The blonde, Tamaki, looked like he was shocked once again by lightning. Tears ran down his face.
     "If you want, you and uncle can come earlier and visit before the festival is in full swing. That way you can see everyone. Mom, gramps and Sota should be arriving then."
     "I'll definitely take you up on that." She smiled.
     "So he had this nightmare, that made him shot right out of bed." One of the hosts said, gaining my attention.
     "Hikaru, don't tell them that story. I asked you not to tell anyone that. Why are you so mean to me?" Small tears came from the one twin who was playing the pitiful one. The one twin who was sitting with his one leg up, straightened up.
     "I'm sorry Kaoru." The one twin, Hikaru, said. I continued to stare while sipping the tea. Suddenly he got to his feet, walked over to his brother, gently holding his face. He stared lovingly into his brothers eyes. "I didn't mean to upset you. But you were so adorable when it happened, I had to tell them. I'm sorry." He apologized, both if them blushing. I spit out my tea, slightly choking on it.
"I forgive you." Kaoru said, making both of the girls squeal with delight.
     "I didn't know humans did it too." Soushi commented as he handed me a napkin. I cleaned myself and the table up. I rubbed my temples, of course, kitsunes.
     "That's Hikaru and Kaoru, they're the mischievous type, also known for brotherly love. Though I wonder if they get too into the role." Haruhi explained as she followed my gaze.
     "Mischievous type huh?" I looked to Haruhi. "What type are you?"
     "According to Tamaki, I'm the natural type."
     "Uh huh." I snickered. "Mori?"
     "The strong, silent type though not with you." Mori admitted it.
     "The boy Lolita." He said as he chomped down on the strawberry.
     "So what are the other two?"
     "The blonde is Tamaki, he's a princely type." Haruhi told me. I stifled my laugh, Tomoe was way more princely than this guy. "The guy in glasses is Kyoya, he's the cool type."
     "Pretty accurate." I mumbled. "So Haruhi, do you want me to pick up your debt? I can pay so you can just have fun."
     "No it's fine. I broke the vase, I could be the one to pay it back." She smiled. "Thanks though."
     "Alright." I shook my head. "Soushi." I pulled out the credit card. "Please pay Kyoya our host fee." Then I pulled him lower. "And pay five million towards Haruhi's debt. I'm afraid that she wouldn't be able to pay all of it off by the end of school."
      "As you wish." Soushi bowed and walked over to Kyoya.
      "So what kind of god is Mikage?" Haruhi asked, though she was clearly asking me.
      "He's the land God of this region but he is commonly known for matchmaking." I said as I finished off my tea.
     "Matchmaking huh." Haruhi smiled. "Sounds intriguing."
     "Why do you have someone in mind for matchmaking?" I leaned on my hands, evilly smirking. In the corner of my eye, I could see Tamaki look hopeful.
     "No." Haruhi said honestly, crushing poor Tamaki's heart. I chuckled, shaking my head.
     "It's done Kagome." Soushi stated as he handed me back the card.
     "Thank you Soushi." I kindly smiled at him, a blush appearing on his cheeks. Suddenly my phone went off, startling everyone. "Sorry." I apologized and answered. "Yes?"
     "Momma, are you coming back soon?" Shippo asked.
     "Not for a bit. Why what's wrong?"
     "Taji and Koga are going bat shit crazy looking for you since they heard about your condition."
     "Oh really now." I said flatly. The aura around me was cold, making everyone around me shiver.
     "Yes, they are even harassing Mizuki." Shippo said, I could hear shouting in the background.
     "Tell them if they don't behave, they can join Inugami. Say it's from me."
     "Okay momma." Shippo snickered. "Tell auntie Haruhi, I said hi."
     "I will sweetie." I softly smiled.
     "Bye." I hung up and placed it back in my clutch. "Sorry about that, Shippo was telling me the current affairs happening at the shrine."
     "That's alright. How's the little tyke doing?" Haruhi smiled.
     "He's big now. Won't even recognize him." I chuckled, pulling up a picture of him, Tomoe and Kurama during class. "That's him, Tomoe and..."
     "Kurama! You know him?"
     "Why yes. We're friends in fact." I smirked.
     "Lucky." She pouted.
     "Don't worry, you'll be able to meet him at the festival. He said he's coming as a personal day off."
     "Cool." Haruhi then looked to Shippo in the photo. "So that's him. I hardly recognize him"
     "I told you." I chuckled.
     "So who's that?" She pointed to Tomoe.
     "That would be my Tomoe." I smiled.
     "Now he has the princely aura." Haruhi commented.
     "Ah, don't let that fool ya. He may be a prince but he's very cold, well to me anyway." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.
     "So it's Tamaki and Kyoya's baby?" Haruhi stated, making herself shiver. "That's scary."

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