『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ 』

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CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN, left the citizens of Japan in a distant affair with their personal lives because it's always "I will not let any harm come towards you from these thugs" rather than shutting the fuck up and joining the fun.

Criminalization was just another way of unwrapping the gift of truth. This whole 'aiming for a perfect society' is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard, the people who y'all called 'heroes' live under dirty lies and secrets. You would think the heroes are the villains and the villains are the heroes but no, the media likes to ruin everything.

The heroes ya'll look up to--- Alcoholics, child abusers, the ones who use domestic violence as the solution to a math equation, drug addicts; you name it. But nobody would believe a criminal over a hero, I never cared though because it's just the icing on the cake that makes the pastry so perfect.

Innocence would ask 'Why become a villain and wanna conquer the world, having innocent people as your peasants doing all your dirty work?'. I mean you let those two-faced heroes do the same thing. I'm just following in their footsteps, admiring their masterminds and how these two-faced ass heroes would trick these poor souls, making them look up to them. It's hilarious, and pretty ironic how everyone lives a double life, no matter if you're a hero or a villain.

Living a double life brings the irony out of the cage, how everyone lives in a life full of secrets. It's my job to unravel everyone's dirty little secrets. One by one, disrespectfully.

-☆ ☆ ☆-

"And you're telling me this because?" Y/N said as she filed her nails, crossing her legs.

"Y/N, you need to be more careful! You almost got caught and they could've locked yo ass up like last time" Your older brother, Santana, said to you.

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind going back in a cell," You shrugged as you blew off your nail and continued filing it.

"Billy J. owes me 10 grand from beating her ass in Spades and 12 of her rice crispy treats...oh and a bag of weed," Y/N said

"Wha- who is Billy J- that doesn't matter! I feel like you be asking to get caught, you deadass walked into that meeting and shot that shit up! With no mask or nothing! Are you stupid?" He squinted his eyes at you

Trying to control your laughter, you snorted. "Maybe a little," You gave him a playful grin


"Aight shit, I hear you. Be more careful and play smarter, got it," You looked at him

He rolled his eyes as you got off the couch and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a glass cup and the lemonade out of the refrigerator. "Daddy!" The two of you heard as your nephew came to the kitchen with a full face of messed up makeup on.

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