『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ sᴇᴠᴇɴ 』

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You snatched your arm away as Midoriya tried to pull you back. Your feet stomped up the steps as you aggressively groaned. "Y/N!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"How is this my fault? Can you please talk to me?" Izuku pleaded as he followed your footsteps.

"You're selfish! You're so fucking selfish that you made me lose a good friend!" You screamed before you grabbed onto the handle of your door, opening it.

Izuku tried grabbing your arm but you snatched it away again before he could grab it.

"Y/n--" You slammed the door in his face.

You felt heated tears run down your puffy cheeks. Your hand touched your face, quickly wiping away the tears.

Your ears listened to the loud banging coming from Midoriya's fist banging against your wooden, locked door.


"Leave me alone!" Your voice cracked.

"Princess, please open the door. Baby please!" His muffled voice spoke behind the locked door.

"Go away!"

"Y/n, we can talk about this. Stop being stubborn and open the fucking door." You heard slight irritation in the greenette's voice.

"Fix your fucking tone, talking to me like that! I lost a good friend of mines because of you!" You shouted from the other side of the door.

"How is that my fault? I don't even know what happened! Aubrey called me saying you were spazzing on everyone because Mina found out about you working with me. Can you explain more?" Izuku said.

"I don't need to explain shit to you! Your fucked ups is ruining everything for me! Just leave me alone, Izuku!" You yelled.

You heard no response coming from the boy as you wiped away the rest of your tears, sniffling. You shook your head, maybe you took it a little bit too far with that response. This was a situation fully under his influence but was it completely Izuku's fault? Some things happen for a reason.

You lifted your shirt off your body, revealing your black plain bra. You aggressively pulled your skirt off and chugged it across the room, annoyed that you had to struggle pulling it down.

You walked towards your dresser, grabbing your green tuban scarf off your wooden dresser. You tied the scarf around your ginger locs before wrapping your locs into a high bun.

You sniffled as you realized Midoriya's banging stopped. You exhaustedly sighed as you exhaled your stiff breath, that felt stuck in your lung. "I need a shower." You mumbled to yourself.


The sound of Lauryn Hill's soothing voice erupted through your pink bluetooth speaker as the smoke from your second blunt lingered around your room. Your eyes scanned the pages of your hardcover book. You decided to revisit your obsession with Harry Potter from high school and reread the book series. Hate the author but gotta love Harry Potter.

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