『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ 』

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TW: Mention of suicide, angsty.

It wasn't the soft Japanese tunes playing loudly, that woke you up. It was the loud, rough, off key singing coming from downstairs, that did. Your eyes squinted open as you groaned into your pillow.

When did you even get in bed? You could've sworn you was in your club, making deals. The blurry memory of you being in your club, drinking the night away faded in your mind. You only remembered the feeling of the leathered cushion smushed into your face then everything else was a blur.

Your eyes felt heavy as the migraine in your head grew as the seconds go by. You let out a mumbled grumble as the dull ache in your body intensified.

Keeping your head in your pillow, your hand pat around the bed, searching for your phone. Feeling the touch of your cold cellular device, you grabbed it as the phone unplugged from your charger. Your eyes scanned at the notifications from Aubrey as you scrunched your face up.

Since you just woke up, your brain could barely process anything you tried to do— to its fullest potential, of course. Your body felt heavier than usual as the increase of your heart beat sped up. It felt like an invisible weight crashed down on your body.

Your mouth felt dry due to low hydration and the crust in the corner of your eyes poked against your eyelids.

You dropped the hand with your phone down onto your bed as you let out a frustrated sigh. The sound of a deep-pitch screak startled you as your body jerk up. You let out a loud groan before your long/short legs swung over your bed as you stood up.

You quickly threw on your bunny slippers as your hips swayed from side to side as you took big steps, coming out your room. The faded music grew loudly as you stomped down the steps with an irritated look on your face.

Before you could open your mouth, your eyes averted onto the 5'11 greenette dancing with a broom in his hand with only his boxers on. You scoffed to yourself as you crossed your arms. You leaned against the stair railing as you watched the man hum out the soft tunes with his eyes closed.

"You're really cleaning on your birthday? Fucking dork." You spoke up as his eyes snapped opened, looking at your folded arms.

His startled face turned into a small smirk as his eyes traveled down your face, "I would rather clean than do anything else," He said.

"Damn nerd," You mumbled.

"If you wanna keep living, I'd advise you to grab that broom over there and sweep," He said as you watched a mischievous smirk on his face, pointing at the broken broom in the corner of the kitchen.

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