『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ 』

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"And then he fucking proposed to her," You said into the phone as you held it closely to your ear. Your legs swung back and forth as you sat on the wooden desk, watching Izuku carefully put chemicals into the glass beaker.

"You better be joking," Amaya said, on the other side of the line.

"I wish I was," You mumbled.

"First of all, they're toxic as hell....been toxic as hell and two, didn't she cheat on him? Multiple times at that?!" Amaya said.

"Omg! That's the thing that got me so heated! Now Santana mad at me cuz I told him the truth, she ain't shit and he's stupid as fuck!" You said.

It's been a couple of days since the baby shower and things has gotten worse since. When y'all got home, you and Santana argued for hours about you being immature and petty with your "announcement" and how Santana's a dumb ass for 'tying the knot' with Kiara. Then the results ended with you swinging on Santana and Isaiah and Shawn carrying you out the place as you continued screaming bitter insults.

Within these days, you've been staying with Midoriya and spent as much time as you could with him; anything to distract from your personal business. For some reason, Kyree was also mad at you and haven't spoken to you since the baby shower.

You've been trying to check on him while you've been away but that ended with him continuously left you on read. You just gave him his space for now but eventually you're gonna find out what's wrong with the boy.

"Well at least, she's back in Philly..." Amaya commented, causing you to scoff.

"What? She's not--"

"Nope! Matter fact, she's moving in since "I'm moving out"" You said, emphasizing 'moving out'.

"What?!" Amaya shouted into the phone.

"At this point, all I can do is leave. My intention wasn't to move out right away but now...I need to get the fuck outta there,"

"As you should, I wouldn't wanna deal with any of their mess either, if I were you," Amaya mumbled.

"Trust me, you'll do anything just to not be me," You deadpanned.

Amaya laughed, "So, what's the next move?" She asked.

"Hustle twenty times harder," You said

"The only option," Amaya said, agreeing with you.

"Speaking of, I'm on the way to the club now, after I'm finished where I'm at," You said.

"Where you at?"

Your eyes locked onto Izuku's as you gazed into his eyes, "Nunya," You said.

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