『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪғᴛᴇᴇɴ 』

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TW: Physical abuse

A loud burp escaped your mouth as you rested your head against Shigaraki's lap. His fingers massaged your scalp in a slow pace as he sat in a man spread position.

You drove your way to the lov headquarters and you were currently in Shigaraki's office discussing future plans with y'all new alliance.

As soon as you entered the headquarters, you were greeted with tons of kisses from Toga and complaints about your lateness from Shigaraki.

Currently, you had no idea what you were doing. One minute, the two of you were talking, the next your shirt was on his floor. Now, Shigaraki didn't even acknowledged the fact that his hands were in your hair and you— you just let him play with it simply because you didn't care.

You honestly wanted to stay here for the day and fall asleep but you knew you had to go to the baby shower eventually. They were a hour in and you've already gotten multiple text messages from your family about your absence. You ignored them, you wanted to do anything but go to that baby shower.


He hummed as his eyes shot opened, you two were sitting in a comfortable silence; he probably fell asleep. "Can I rant to you?" You asked in a soft voice.

You were never the type to open up to your sex partner but you desperately needed someone to talk to— someone who would listen.

Shigaraki didn't say anything so you decided to continue on. "My brother's toxic ass girlfriend having her baby shower today and my family blowing up my line about why I'm not there."

"I'm tired of being the blame for my response to my brother's behavior. How are you mad at me because you can't control your toxic ass girlfriend— and that's another thing, the bitch is psycho. She's been picking fights with me since I was in high school. Fucking high school. Why, at your grown ass age, are you fighting and picking with a high schooler?"

"It's like I'm trying to remain calm for the sake of my nephew but the both of them can kick rocks to be honest. If my brother's girlfriend wasn't pregnant with my niece, I would've been killed her ass. She's too disrespectful and my brother be letting her get away with shit he would've yelled at me for! Like as a grown ass man, you gone' let your girlfriend disrespect your baby sister like that—" Your arm shot up in the air as you blew off steam from your nose, "—at your big age, you're choosing your girlfriend over your sister?! Like at this point you might as well marry the bitch, two sickos would love to be connected to each other for eternity."

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