『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀᴛᴇᴇɴ 』

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The mellow sunset sets the evening as bright blue sky starts to turn into an orange color full of bliss. The perfect day has just begun, even though the day was near to the end.

You built enough confidence to take the time and meet Izuku at this random place. The greenette texted you during a "drop off" saying he wants to meet you here and has a surprise for you.

The problem is that this place is in the middle of nowhere yet recognizable enough to know that you have some enemies around this way. You hoped and prayed that Izuku doesn't have the same gullible trait he inherited when y'all were younger. You don't know what mess the boy could get himself into.

You climbed out the car and shut the down, locking it with your car keys. Your Chuck Taylors clicked loudly on the graveled ground. The location Izuku sent you was a rundown building a little bit out of Musutafu, yet it was a 30 minute ride.

You were exhausted after the day you had, you were mostly in the trap today, selling and making loads. The amount of high school teenagers buying from you and planting weed had your head ready to explode. You felt hot and ready to lay down but you decided to go anyways especially since you haven't seen Izuku in a few days.

You walked over to the abandoned building with your arms crossed. You turned your head left to right, wondering where Izuku could be at; he was nowhere to be found.

The warm breeze touched your skin with an ease as your lips frowned into a small pout. "Where the fuck is this nigga?" You mumbled to yourself.

You didn't even have the energy to call out his name. You grabbed your purse, that swung side to side as you walked, and opened it up. You pushed some things to the side, looking for your phone.

You pulled out your phone and typed in your password. As you clicked on Izuku's phone contacts, you heard loud foot steps coming from behind you but you paid no mind to them.

You raised your phone to your ear and crossed your arms. Listening to the ring tones, you not only heard a loud ring tone that startled you but felt a tight grasp against your forearm.

Your body made a sharp turn as you cocked back your arm, swinging your hand until you felt a sharp pain against your hand, connecting to the feeling of skin. "Shit!" You heard.

You snapped back into reality and looked up to see Izuku touching his nose as a long stream of red runs down his nostril. Your body stayed still for a second, shook. You stared at the greenette as he winced in pain as his blood dropped to the ground.

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 || 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐤𝐮Where stories live. Discover now