『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴ 』

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Trigger Warning: First half of the chapter pretty fucked up ngl.

Midoriya looked up at the shining moon as it glared down on him, disappointed in his upcoming actions. Midoriya rolled his eyes as he threw his blunt on the ground and stepped on it. The smoke faded away as the wind blew.

Midoriya's cold hands reached to touch the fabric of his hoodie as he lifted his hood over his head. He wore an emotionless expression on his face as his foot jotted back before speeding off into the distance.

The sound of Midoriya's footsteps stomped down on the rooftops' ground loudly as the wind blew in his face. The sight of another building came upon his eyes before taking a step back and leaping across a building to another.

The cold breeze blew through his thin eyelashes as he landed on his feet with his knees bent as his hands touched the rough concrete on the building's rooftop. Down below him was "GanstaLand", a mini bar filled with middle aged alcoholics who's most likely cheating on their wives and abusing their children.

Yeah, the bar was no different from any other bar in Kamino Ward City; all mini bars were filled with drunk addicts with baby mama issues. Yet, Midoriya only had eyes on Ganstaland because Ganstaland was Midoriya's playhouse and target practice. "A killing wonderland", he likes to call it. The only place that makes him feel alive.

Midoriya's feet stepped back before his other foot landed on the rusted latter on the side of the building. After climbing down the latter, Midoriya jumped down between the remaining space of the latter and the ground. His left hand landed on the ground as the other fell onto his knee before jotting his body back up.

His eyes scanned the environment around him; blinking dim street lights, the sounds of cars honking at each other, trash bags with flies surrounding them, steam vents with smoke appearing out of them. Nothing but a regular night in the deepest darkest parts of Kamino Ward City. Yeah, Kamino wasn't the best looking city to live in but it brings peace to the poor and the pity.

Midoriya's black sneakers stepped down on the concrete ground as eyes fell on his mysterious smirk that was planted on his face. He walked passed all the low-eyed middle ages drunks with cigarettes on the side of their mouths and the smoke faded away in the air. They wore a concerned, confused face as Midoriya slid by them.

Midoriya's hand grabbed onto the door handle before giving it a light push as the sound of 90s Japanese rock music caught his ears. His smirk rose up into a devious grin as his eyes lowered onto the bartender with big boobs and red hair up into a curly ponytail.

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