『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ 』

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The sound of loud barking, a dangling silver dog collar, and tiny paws echoed through the gated neighborhood as the tiny gray blue-eyed pitbull ran with full speed. Following behind him was you chasing the blue-eyed pitbull with full speed.

"Apollo, get back here!" You ran, chasing the very fast puppy.

"I told you don't open the car door yet," Izuku yelled, watching your long/short legs go. He held a small black kitten in his arms as his hand caressed the soft black fur on the kitten's head.

"Shut the fuck up!"

He laughed, "Did you used to run track? You're pretty fast." He yelled.

"Eat a dick!" You yelled back.

The tiny fur baby finally stopped at stop sign and squatted its lower body down. You already knew what was coming.

"You couldn't wait until we got to the backyard? These white folks don't be playing about their neighborhood, Apollo." You scolded the puppy as he turned his head to look at you. He finished his business as Midoriya caught up to you.

After spending the whole weekend packing your room up and crying in Midoriya's arms, Izuku decided to get you a puppy. He knew a guy, who knew a guy, and they knew a guy. With a few calls and connections, you practically melted when Midoriya came in the house with a puppy.

The next day, you took your puppy outside to use the bathroom and found a stray black cat. Of course, you had to bring it back with you. It's a black cat.

"I'll clean it up, the U-Haul truck should be here any minute now," Izuku said as you sighed.

You picked the small puppy as Midoriya glanced at your body with an intense stare.

The various amount of waistbeads decorated your stomach, beaded bracelets that filled your arms up, your ginger blown out hair threw into a messy ponytail with a butterfly hair clip as a single loc with brown beads dangled off your shoulder.

His eyes traveled to the multiple tattoos— he recently did himself— down your body. The sun and moon on your chest area, butterflies on your upper left arm, an ancient goddess on your right upper arm, an AK-47 on the back of your thigh, and a fairy on your lower left arm. Your natural cocoa butter oil filled his nose with satisfaction.

Even with just sweatpants and a black halter top on, you still were the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on.

"Thank you, Izu." You smiled, before grabbing his cheek and placing a firm peck against the corner of his lips.

Izuku's face immediately went red tomato  as he watched you walk away. You were a goddess to him.

You walked back to the house as a smile immediately planted on your lips. Home, sweet, home.

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