『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪᴠᴇ 』

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"Y/n, baby wake up" You heard a soft voice as you felt the covers being pulled off of you. You groaned as you snuggled into your pillow.

"Y/n!" You felt a hard yet soft thing smack into your body causing you to shot up and wipe the drool off your face.

"Hm?" You hummed tiredly

"Time to wake up, sweetie. You got school" Your mother shook you.

"Hm?" You groaned in confusion and rubbed your eyes

"Yes dummy it's Monday!" You heard your brother's voice as you looked up to see him leaning on your wall.

"Shut up" you mumbled and got out of bed. You stood there for a second, staring at the wall as you gave yourself some time to wake up.

You deeply sighed before grabbing your phone off the charger. You unlocked your phone to see the time. "6:12 Am...the hell we up so early for ?" You mumbled to yourself.

You brushed your thoughts off as you was about to put your phone down until your phone lit up, making you look at your phone to see 2 new messages from "Bakubae <3".

Bakubae <3

Aye loser
Wake up
Read at 6:13 AM

I am up.
Read at 6:14 AM

Hm good morning
You coming to school today?
Read at 6:15 AM

Im gonna skip
Read At 6:15 AM

Oh really?
Lil miss teacher's pet gonna skip
Sounds realistic
Bring your ass to school today
Read At 6:16 AM

Katsuki if you're gonna interrupt my lovely morning on some bullshit then you can stop texting me right now.
Read at 6:17 AM

You're still mad about yesterday huh?
Read at 6:18 AM

Yes I'm still mad
Read at 6:18 AM

Y/N it's not that serious
Read at 6:19 AM

So bullying my friend is not that serious all of a sudden?!
You pushed him! Then fucking burned his book!
Read at 6:19 AM

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