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TW: Mention of Suicide

Around the year 2320, lived a green-headed boy, helpless and stuck, wondering what would be next for him. Will there even be a next for him? For the first time in his 17 years, he was truly stuck.

Izuku Midoriya always had a plan ahead of his time, everyone depended on his mastermind and skills. It felt good to see people look up to, who was once a small, fragile boy, to a man who challenged his fears.

But now he couldn't be that man everyone depended on, he could barely depend on himself. He truly hated every inch of himself. He had no motivation left in him to continue. He felt like he'd broken apart from his old self.

He felt like a coward for running away from his family but he couldn't risk being the fault of any of his peers getting hurt because of him. He wanted to keep them safe, he needed to keep them safe.

All his life he believed he could be the hero everyone looked up to but the only thing he's successful at is letting people down, including all his loved ones.

The number of times he cried, begged, and was ready to give up felt anonymity to him. He felt completely gone from himself and the only way-- the only solution is to run away from that.

It was the moon watching over young Midoriya as he sat on the dorm's roof, influencing them to just leave UA altogether. How long would he be gone? He didn't know himself. Will he ever come back? Would he ever stay in Musutafu? Questions like these pondered in the green-headed boy's mind as he stared at the moon and stars.

Finally, after taking some time to himself, he hopped off the roof and ran to his dorm, packing all his things. Throwing all his belongings in a bookbag, he bolted for his door, swinging it open as if he's walking into a new opportunity.

After that night, he's been on his own, trying to identify the new him. He didn't know what would be next for him, he just needed to get away. After a week later of being alone, reports and articles started to pop up everywhere he go.

"Izuku Midoriya: Student of Class 1-A from UA, reported missing from the school"

"Runaway Student from UA? That's a shocker"

"Missing student from UA! If you've seen him please dial this number 0XX-XXX-XXXX"

"Have you've seen a boy with green hair and green eyes, standing at the height 5'6? If so, he's reported missing from the infamous UA High School. If seen, please contact us immediately"

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