『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ 』

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The midnight stars lit the environment of Kamino Ward as the sound of car horns echoed through the streets of Japan. The sun eventually died down hours ago and the moon rose to its fullest potential.

Per usual, the dark sky activates stupidity in many of Kamino Ward's civilians. The nighttime was always the most active the city had ever been. The perfect time to stay your black ass in the house; but then again it's you so, that's impossible.

However, you decided to stay indoors for the night with Midoriya. It was in the middle of the night— 2 in the morning specifically— and you and Midoriya were up to no good; nothing new.

Your nails violently scrubbed against Midoriya's scalp, rubbing all the shampoo into Midoriya's hair. You brought the water faucet to his roots, running the hot water against his sensitive head surface.

"Y/N, would you relax? What are you doing? Tryna' rip my whole scalp off with those long ass nails?" Izuku grumbled as you rolled your eyes and continued to wash his hair.

"If you keep moving, then I have no choice but to drown your eyes out," You said.

"You're already getting my floor wet, might as well," He scolded.

"Cuz your lil dramatic ass keep fucking moving!" You raised your voice before taking both your hands and scratched Midoriya's roots.

"If this what people mean "you can't eat over at everyone's house" include that shit with hair too. Not everyone can do hair," Midoriya exclaimed rudely.

"Look lil sassy ass, I'll have you know I retwist my nephew's locs all the time! Matter of fact, he has an appointment coming up. I can do hair, asshole." You purposely bent down to yell in his ear.

"I was perfectly fine with washing and doing my hair myself, I just told I wanted to refresh my curls! Nothing special—" Before he could finish his sentence, your hands wrapped around the back of his neck as you shoved his head deeper into the sink.

"Y/N!!" He screamed as he struggled to breathe as the water splashed in his eyes and face.

"Say something else, I dare you!" You screamed back.

"I'm gonna kill you, stop—" your hands pushed his head deeper into the water.

"What was that, baby? Couldn't hear you," You smirked at your remarkable comment.

Midoriya's legs began to jerk back as he began to kick on your legs. That caused you to slip on the dripping water running down the sink to the floor, and fell back as you landed on your butt.

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