『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴛᴡᴏ 』

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"I'm starting to regret this." You spoke in a mumble as Midoriya laughed.

"Relax, I got you." Midoriya said as he set up the needles, piercing, tissues, and rubbing alcohol to clean your skin.

"What if you hurt me?" You pouted.

"You're saying that like you wouldn't like that," he smirked.

"You're the only one attracted to pain, Izuku." You rolled his eyes at his playful comment, causing him to laugh.

It was currently 4 in the morning and everyone were currently sleeping. However, you and Midoriya smoked through a few blunts together through the night, spending the whole night today.

Currently, Midoriya convinced you to get an eyebrow piercing to match his. You finally agreed to it, considering you never really thought of an eyebrow piercing; maybe a change to your appearance would be nice, right?

Midoriya had a piercing kit with him— don't ask why he was carrying a piercing kit— and the two of you were currently in the kitchen as he prepared to pierce your eyebrow.

"Other than working at Asteroid's shop, I used to have another job as a tattoo artist and piercer." Midoriya admitted as he smiled at your pouty lips.

"Why'd you quit? That seemed like a job that you would settle for." You asked as you twisted your body in the chair your were sitting on.

"As much as I hate them, the lov pays wayyyy more. Plus, I'm more of an independent business guy. The lov provided me with my own henchmen and an undercover status." He shrugged.

"So, you're like the 'president's kid'?" You raised a brow.

"Churro what?"

"Every president kid has security guards...or 'henchmen' to protect them. I'm saying you're getting protected?" You said.

"My henchmen are men who does my dirty work for me, I don't need protection." He said.

You smirked, "you really are a pretty princess." You cackled.

"I have a needle in your presence. You could walk out this room with one eye, anything is possible." He suggestively threatened you.

You playfully rolled your eyes before hopping down off the chair you were in and walking closer, inches away from Midoriya. "You wouldn't dare to try, pretty boy." You whispered closely to his face.

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