『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴇɴ 』

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You damned near jumped out the car before Izuku could park it. You sped walk to your club as your nose picked up a scent of blood and smoke. Your foot jerked up as you noticed you stepped in blood.

"What the fuck happened?!" You mumbled, scrunching up your face. Your eyes narrowed at the scenery in front of as you watched everything unfold.

Police cars everywhere, siren lights, and the people crying their hearts out lit up the area. You didn't want to be noticed so you grabbed Izuku arm and ran towards the back of the club.

You saw Aubrey and Amaya with panicked looks on their faces. "Jesus what the fuck happened?" You said, urgently as you hugged Amaya, thankful for her safety.

"Girl, two niggas was arguing and all of a sudden, a fight broke out then gunshots went off and it turned into a motherfucking shootout." She said with an irritated voice.

"Are you fucking-" You sighed before rubbing your temples.

"You okay?" Aubrey asked

"Yea, are y'all okay? I'm sorry it took too long to get here" you apologized

"Don't apologize, I'm happy you're safe"   Aubrey pulled you into a bear hug.

"Get off of me" You mumbled into his chest, making him laugh. You moved his arms around you and looked away as you felt heat creep up on your face.

"Yo Bambi, they're asking for the owner" One of your workers tapped your arm and said.


"The police"

"Oh my fucking-"

All of a sudden, the sound of a gun goes off making everyone quickly drop to the ground. You heard screaming and yelling as you heard police sirens go off in the distance.

Izuku pulled you closer to him as he slid his gun towards your way. "I don't need that, I got my own" You smiled as you pulled out a gun from your jacket pocket.

"Where did you-" Izuku said before you cut him off.

"Stole it from Shigaraki" You shrugged making him roll his eyes.

"Ouuu Y/N, who's this?" Amaya said, looking at Izuku with a sly face.

"He don't want your slimy ass" Aubrey grumbled

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