『 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ 』

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Kamino Ward, a big ass town filled with stupid ass criminals. Kamino had to be the most dangerous city in Japan, especially with the amount of crime rates.

The city is like a personal criminal playhouse, filled with killing the innocents, smuggling drugs, alcoholics drinking illegal beverages, even push a grandma off the swing, ya know?

You'll think it'll resemble Gotham; when the clock strike 8, the clown comes out and play. You see what I did there?

You usually come to Kamino when business is booming because that's all the underground druggies want; drugs. Other than that, you mostly stay away from the place and the main reason was the league of villains.

You walked in the hideout, instantly looking at Twice and Toga gambling on the ground. They both turned their heads towards you, "Y/N!!" Toga got off the ground, running towards you.

Before she got close to you, you held a hand up, signaling you don't wanna be touched right now. "Oh poo... you're no fun" Toga pouted and crossed her arms.

"Shut the hell up, I'm still mad at you about the other day" You spat at her as you saw her lips curve into a smirk.

"I was just happy to see you, I mean... you barely come and visit us anymore" She said, innocently.

"Yeah yeah whatever" You brushed her off

"Hey Y/N" Twice waved at you

"What's up, manwhore?" You said, smirking

"Quit calling me that" He grumbled, looking away

"Quit hoeing around then" You rolled your eyes

"I do what I want" He sticks his tongue out at you making you do it right back to him.

You walked over the bar, where Compress and Kurogiri was talking at. "Hey pretty boy" You caress Compress' cheek.

"Hey beautiful, what brings you here?" His lips formed into a smile as he watched you take the seat next to him.

"Hm nothing...just here to see my favorite man" You shrugged

"I'm right here, baby. You came at the perfect time" He said

You waved him off, "Not you, silly" You laughed

"Mhm sure." He rolled his eyes

"If you're looking for Shigaraki, he's in the back" He nudged his head towards the backdoor.

"Gotchu, thank you pretty boy" You caressed his cheek once more before getting up from your seat.

"Kurogiri, be a dear and make me my favorite" You winked at the shadowed man as you began to walk away.

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