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⚠️TW⚠️: r@pe

☕︎︎Ivy's POV☕︎︎

☕︎︎Ivy's POV☕︎︎

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(Ivy's Outfit)

(System's Outfit)

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(System's Outfit)

I woke up wrapped around Fin. He was super warm. The light was hitting his face perfectly, I didn't want to wake him. My phone rings and my eyes go wide.

I reach back and grab my phone, Fin waking up and pulling me closer to him at the same time. He groans as the light hits him in the face again, and shoves his face into my chest. I quietly laugh at this as I answer the call.

"Hey, mom!" I say as I run my hand through Fin's hair.

"Good morning sweet girl! Did you sleep well? How was the drive? Please tell me you guys didn't try to kill each oth-"

"Who is it?" Fin cuts my mom off.

"It's my mom dumbass, " he grumbles and gets up to get ready. "I slept fine mom, it was a long drive. Fin drove the entire time, I slept." I tell her as I check out Fin's ass. He looks good in those sweats. Ivy no!

"That's good honey. I'll let you go, be nice to each other. I love you."

"Ok, we will be, " I grin wickedly at Fin and he rolls his eyes, and heads to the bathroom, "I love you too mom." She hangs up.

After Fin is ready, I head in to get myself showered and dressed. As I'm straightening my hair he comes in and sits on the counter. He doesn't say anything until I'm on the last strand.

"I'm taking you shopping today." I laugh as I put the flat iron down and in plug it.

"What? No!" I smile up at him and make sure my makeup looks okay. He tilts my chin towards him and kisses me.

"Yup. Get your shoes on Ivy, we got a long day ahead of us." He tells me as he walks out of the bathroom.

Next thing I know we are in the local mall inside of a Francessca's. Fin told me that all I need to do is tell him sizes and if it's something that I wouldn't ever wear in my life. So that's what I've been doing, for the past hour. He found some jewelry pieces in Francessca's, paid, and we started off to the next store.

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