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❦Finley's POV❦

(System's Outfit of the day)

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(System's Outfit of the day)

I'm walking into the cafeteria when I see her. Ivy. Some girl is talking to her, no, not just talking to her. She's pushing her, being mean. She's a bully, of course. I roll my eyes. She takes Ivy's lunch out of her hands and throws it onto the ground.

␈Salem's POV␈

I immediately front at the sight and walk over to them. I push Ivy behind me and confront the girl. But before I can say anything she pipes up.

"Ugh, excuse you! I'm talking to her!" She has to look up to look me in the eyes due to my 6'2" frame.

"I don't believe you're 'talking' to her." I say making finger quotes.

"Get the eff away from me you freak!" She pushes me. I hadn't realized Ivy had moved to my side until this girl pushed me. I double over in pain and she laughs.

Her face turns pale and she stops laughing. I didn't realize why until I saw the blood on her hand.

"To be honest, I gave you no reason to call me a freak. And maybe you shouldn't act the way you do or we wouldn't be in this predicament."

She screams, and I mean screams! Top of her lungs. Everybody looks at us and teachers start surrounding her. Ivy comes over to me and pulls my face down to hers.

"You're bleeding. Salem, please, you're bleeding." She looks so worried.

"How did you know it was me?" I mumble, starting to feel dizzy.

"You're acting more feminine, I also guessed." I start to sway on my feet. "Salem? Can I get some help over here?" She grabs onto me and gets me on the floor. The last thing I see is her face and people surrounding me.


Next chapter might be big, I'm not sure...
Anemone flower represents anticipation.

Word count: 319

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