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Characters when talking to each other in the system:

␈Salem's POV␈

Present Day:


"Dear GOD!!! Sweet Jesus! What the freakin' a! It's six in the freakin' morning!" I shout. Frustrated with my alarm clock I take it off of my nightstand and chuck it at the wall.

Whoa! Chill out Salem, my God we don't need any temper tantrums today!

*Okay well, why is that Mr. Perfect?*

Guys, chill out. Please, it's the first day of school Salem. But that doesn't mean anything right now, how the hell are y'all not already awake? I've been up since 4:30 stupids! You know what, I'll take it from here. Let me front Kai!

❦Finley's POV❦

(System's Outfit of the day)

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(System's Outfit of the day)

I get up out of bed and block out Kai and Salem's bickering. I go to my bathroom to get ready for the day. I head down stairs and pray to God my dad isn't home.

Since the crash, he's blamed me for my mom's death. He's been distant and abusive. To be honest, he doesn't deserve the title of Dad. At this point I just call him Darren. Yes, my birth father's name is Darren!

My mom, Kennedy, and I were hit by a semi when I was twelve. She didn't have her seatbelt on because she was trying to get something from the jockey box. I can't remember her saying what she was getting. The crash killed her almost instantly, seeing as the driver's side was the side that was hit.

I know my dad misses her, hell, I do too. As much as Salem tells me it's not my fault, I can't help but somewhat feeling like it is my fault.

I walk into the kitchen and as soon as I do, I regret it. I immediately turn around and head to the door.

"Boy, I swear to God if you don't get your ass back here I'll beat the living shit out of you!"

"Uh, dad I-I'm sorry but I'm g-gonna be late to school umm, yeah." I mumble walking back into the kitchen.

"Stop with that damn mumbling and get out of my house."

I walk back to the front door, grab my bag and start my walk to my new school. See, I had to start a new school after being bullied so bad at my other school.

After walking for a good 15 minutes I reach the front doors of McKinlley High School. I quickly find the office and get my schedule and locker number. As soon as I find my locker Kai pipes up.

Salem? What's wrong?

Hi! I would like to let everyone know that both main characters have lots of trauma. Finley is living with DID(Dissociative Identity Disorder) and Salem and Kai are two of the system's alters. Salem is a spiritual protecter and memory holder. Kai is a physical protecter and gatekeeper. And Finely, formerly known as Blake, is the host, he also looks like the body. I would also like to let y'all know that the characters are LGBTQ+! Ivy is Pansexual, Finley is Non-Binary and Asexual, Salem is Lesbian, and (because my co-author and I agreed we needed atleast one straight character) Kai is Straight! See y'all next chapter!

Word count: 556

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