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❦Finley's POV❦

Ivy and I played a game of 20 Questions. I learned some interesting things about her. Like, I found out we're only a year apart (me being older), she always does homework, her favorite color is pastel pink, etc. I won't lie, she's freaking beautiful. The first thing I noticed about her was her hair and freckles. She has natural freckles spotted all over her face, which I don't feel like a lot of people have.

You're not wrong Fin. I kinda like her. She's got a little bit of spunk, if you know what I mean.

*Hey, I don't necessarily disagree with Kai, but still. Plus, don't we all have to agree on getting with her?*

Salem has a point. If we were to date her, we all need to be on board, including Ivy. I also don't know how I feel about her right now. What about Darren! Do we let her in on our life? What the hell do we tell her when he hurts us? She doesn't know what happened that put us in the hospital!

I hate to admit it, but, Fin you're right. It isn't safe around Darren or even our house. We don't live the best life, and she seems like a person that needs that.

*You big babies! Why the hell don't we just talk to her about it?*

It's not that easy Salem! What if she doesn't feel the same way as you and Kai do? I don't even know how I personally feel.

Why don't we just keep thinking of something to do and Fin can figure out their feelings? After that, we can talk to her, okay?

*That sounds good to me.*


Ivy and I are still sitting at the park. She kicks off the ground and starts to swing a little. I watch her and smile in amusement.


"Nothing, you just look like you're having fun." I can't keep this stupid grin off my face. God, do I like her?

"Yeah, well you seemed to be in deep thought!" She points out.

"Mm well, yeah I guess. You know I re-" I get cut off by my phone ringing. I pull it out and see my dad's name on the screen. My smile immediately drops. Shit, what did I have to do today? Did I do something wrong? Are my grades too low?

"I'm really sorry, I have to answer him." Ivy looks at me with understanding eyes, a small smile, and nods her head.

"It's okay Fin if you need to answer it, answer it." I mumble an okay and slide the bar across the screen. I prepare for my father's yelling, instead, I'm hit with something scarier. He's calm, deathly calm.

"I need you to get home Blake. We have some visitors."

"I- okay. I'll be home around, " I look at the time, it's 4:30, "I'll be home at 5." I look at Ivy as I say it.

"Don't be late boy!" The line clicks dead. Ivy must have heard him talking because she looks confused. I look down at my shoes with my phone still in my hand.

"Why did he misgender you?" She asks as politely as possible.

"He uh, he doesn't like it. He believes that because I was born male that that's how I should identify. That there is no such thing as non-binary or gender fluid, asexual, trans, or really any type of LGBTQ sexualities or anything. He believes that you are what you're born and it's only okay to be straight, so I uh- I guess he likes Kai then."

"Fin." She lets a tear slip but quickly wipes it away and acts as if I didn't see it. "My mom isn't home for the rest of the week." It kind of comes out like a question but I know it's a statement.

"I think I'll be fine Ivy, but thank you."

"Maybe I should just give you my address in case. You uh, umm you seemed uncomfortable on the phone, I just want you to be okay!" I agree and she gives me her address. We had already exchanged numbers earlier in the week. I start my walk back home and she stays at the park.

I knew something wasn't right. I freakin knew it. I got home and there were two other men in the kitchen. My dad had a gun on the table, one I haven't seen before. I know sure as hell that I'll either make it out of this dead or severely injured.


Welp uh, it might go downhill from here but who knows right?
Gladiolus represents strength in character.

Word Count: 785

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