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⚠️TW⚠️: Heavy abuse in this chapter

✌︎︎Kai's POV✌︎︎

The day passes slowly, but as soon as I know it we get home. Darren is home, he's drunk. This isn't going to end well. I need to get us the hell out of here.

Darren sees me, without warning he throws his glass beer bottle at me. I don't react fast enough at part or it cuts my face. He gets up and walks over to me.

He starts to beat me, but I fight back. Hard. Every time I hit him, he hits back harder. This goes on for a while. By 30 minutes I'm laying on the floor barely conscious. He walks away and comes back a couple of minutes later. H has a knife in his hand...

␈Salem's POV␈

(System's Outfit of the day)

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(System's Outfit of the day)

I fronted last night after we regained consciousness. I immediately got in the shower and washed the blood off. I hate living in a male body. To be honest it's quite uncomfortable. We have scars everywhere. Some on our face, arms, legs, torso, and hands. Some are from the crash, some are made by Finley, others by Darren. Fin struggled a lot when Darren started being abusive. They never went to rehab or a psychiatrist. Kai and I were able to convince them to stop. It was difficult, and it still is. Both Fin and I have intrusive thoughts. At this point, it's almost normal.

I get us out the door and to the school. Last night Darren had stabbed us. I was able to patch it up, but I know it might not be enough. I was deep enough to need stitches, but it wasn't like we would bleed to death.

I walk into 1st period and see the girl Fin was talking to yesterday. She never gave them her name.

"Hey girlie!"

"Uh hey?" She mumbles looking up at me.

"Oh, uh sorry, I'm Salem, one of the alters!" I reach my hand out for her to shake.

"It's nice to meet you Salem. I'm Ivy! I'm sorry I never said my name yesterday."

"It's totally fine, Kai does that a lot too." I laugh out.

"Kai? Is he another alter?"

"Yeah he is. He's a physical protector and gatekeeper." I tell her as Ms. Vernon, our teacher walks in. I didn't need to go to my locker today since we didn't need anything for class today. Ivy still has a pencil, some paper, and a book though. I chuckle at that and then start dissociating.

❦Finley's POV❦

I front without warning and catch Salem off guard. It takes me a few minutes to fully front. I look around and see Ivy looking at me. Kai and I were paying attention to what was happening until I fronted.

"Can I help you?" I whisper looking at her.

"A-are you okay?"

"Oh uh yeah! Sorry, I was fronting. I'm Finley." I tell her nonchalantly.

"Mm." She hums.


A stock flower represents lasting beauty.
Word count: 505

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