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✌︎︎Kai's POV✌︎︎

After we got home I had fronted, and Darren said that if we didn't behave we would get shot. I wasn't allowed to go to school. I did endless, pointless chores. I cleaned the bathrooms, my room, did dishes, laundry, dusted, took out the garbage every day, and so many more things.

Until I forgot to put one cup in the dishwasher. Darren came home and saw it. I heard the shot before I felt it. The bullet just grazed my cheek. Before I knew I was full-fledged running out the back door into the woods.

Ivy and I live on opposite sides of town, but I knew she would help. I didn't feel the other bullets either go into my body or graze it. I just ran. By the time I reached Ivy's doorstep, I was drenched in my own blood, half-awake, and very much in need of medical attention. I rang the doorbell and sat down on the front porch.

I don't remember anything after that. However, I do know that I can't open my eyes. They feel too heavy. I feel like everything is being weighed down. I hear crying, I can feel air and a tube in my nose. My throat hurts, it's dry and so is my mouth. Somebody speaks, I don't know who it is.

I slowly open my eyes and see a tall man leaning over a pump looking device. I let out a breath and he looks at me.

"You're awake! I'm Dr. Walker, I did your surgery. You're going to be here for a while. Do you know where you are?"

"I'm at the hospital." My voice doesn't sound like my own.

"You are, do you know why?"

"Darren shot me."

"And who is Darren?"

I clear my throat and he hands me a plastic cup with water in it. I take a large gulp and respond to him. "My biological father."

"Do you have any other family? Step-parents? Some other guardian?"

"No, I'm 18. I technically don't need a guardian."

"You're not wrong. I have one more question, are you up for it?" I nod my head as to say yes. "Who is fronting right now?"

"Kai, I'm the physical protector and gatekeeper."

"Okay, okay that's really good Kai."

"Can I see Ivy?"

"I'll bring her in! I'll be back in about an hour to do a checkup and let you in on everything, okay?"

"I'll bring her in! I'll be back in about an hour to do a checkup and let you in on everything, okay?"

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(Ivy's Outfit of the day)

"Okay." Is all I can muster. Ivy walks in a few minutes later. She grabs my hand and starts crying as soon as she looks into my eyes. I put her head on my chest and do my best to calm her down.

"I was so scared for you... I just needed you to be okay!" She mumbles into my chest. I chuckle a little bit and she looks up at me.

"I'll be okay Ivy. Thank you for caring about me and staying here... How long have I been out?"

"They induced you into a coma. It's been 2 weeks." She tells me softly. My eyes widen and I feel a pain in my throat. I clear my throat but it just hurts worse. I clamp my eyes shut in pain. I feel a plastic rim come up to my lips. I open my eyes and see Ivy holder the cup up to my mouth.

"Drink, it's the feeding tube, the water should help." She tells me with a soft smile. I let her slowly give me sips of water. I lay my head back and give her a lazy smile.

"You look stoned Chai." Ivy laughs. My smile breaks into a smirk. I wink at her.

"And what if I am?" She bursts out laughing and I slightly giggle. We talk for another 30 minutes until she has to leave.

꧁꧂꧁꧂A Week Later꧁꧂꧁꧂

✌︎︎Kai's POV✌︎︎

(Ivy's Outfit of the day)

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(Ivy's Outfit of the day)

(System's outfit of the day)

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(System's outfit of the day)

I ended up having to do extensive physical therapy. I'm extremely lucky to be alive. There was a bullet lodged into my spine, one in my knee, one just barely grazed my stomach and intestines, and another one in my shoulder.

I still have a feeding tube but it won't be permanent. I'm relearning how to walk in a way. It's really just balance and coordination. I've been fronting the majority of the time we have been in the hospital. Finley and Salem haven't said much. I do finally get to wear my own clothes though! All three of us are pretty stoked about that.

I'm sitting in the lounge of the wing I'm in when I see Ivy walking towards me with two cups in a carrier. I raise an eyebrow at her and she winks. I roll my eyes. She takes a drink out of the carrier and what she says next catches me by surprise.

"A medium hot Chai Tea Latte for my beautifully broken Chai!" Ivy exclaims all peppy. I break out into a loud laugh and take the drink. We smile at each other and I raise my cup.

"Cheers to being beautifully broken, and to drinking Chai Lattes correctly!" My statement makes her laugh. Her smile lights up the room. Oh God, I like her, a lot.

"Cheers Chai." We both take sips of our drinks and chat the day away. Dammit, I really really like her. Please God, don't let this go badly!


Oooooh now what? Next chapter is in Ivy's POV. Is Ivy the system's sanctuary? Their safe place?
Queen Anne's Lace represents sanctuary.

Word Count: 938

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