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☕︎︎Ivy's POV☕︎︎

(Ivy's Outfit of the day)

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(Ivy's Outfit of the day)

McKinlley High. I've been going here for the past two years. I'm a junior this year. I've never liked going to school, well, in a sense that I have Social Anxiety. There's approximately 2,000 students going to McKinlley. I like to indulge myself into my school work, it help take my mind off of the intrusive thoughts that occur almost on the daily.

I'm standing at my locker right now. I know there are people looking at me, I can feel it. I grab my books, close my locker and walk to my first class.

P1: AP Language
P2: Algebra 2
P3: Forensics
P4: Advanced US History
P5: Psychology
P6: Draw and Paint 3
P7: Video Production 2

I walk into AP Language and see a older looking guy in my seat. Before the end of last school year I told the AP Language teacher I wanted that certain seat. Row 4, 5th seat from the aisle. And there sits a Godly handsome looking... boy? I walk up to the desk and he looks up and smiles at me.

"You're umm, in my seat umm, sir."

"Finley, I'm Non-Binary. And I'm sorry, I didn't realize!" They say as they move to the fourth seat.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, thank you for giving me my seat back though." I smile awkwardly. They don't realize but I'm very much dying inside right now. I set my books down and sit. They chuckle and clear their throat. I look over.

"You don't do good socially do you?"

"Umm no, not really. I uh, I have social anxiety."

"Ah! I have Dissociative Identity Disorder."

"I've read about that! How many alters does your system have? If your comfortable talking about that!" I rush out the last part, not wanting to be rude.

"Two." He says as the teacher walks in. Class goes by quickly and I discover that Finley and I have almost all of our classes together. Periods 3 and 5 are the only ones we don't have together. I get home after the school day to find that my mom isn't home.

My parents had a really, really messy divorce when I was three. My dad was mentally and emotionally abusive but never physically. They had a fight and my dad left, I haven't seen him since. Three weeks later he sent the divorce papers.

I find a note on the fridge saying that I could either order takeout, which I'm not going to do, or I could have leftovers. I warm up last nights pasta and turn on Criminal Minds.

If I ever need to clear anything up feel free to comment! This is a bit of a longer chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!

Word count: 466

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