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❦Fin's POV❦

(Ivy's Outfit)

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(Ivy's Outfit)

(System's Outfit)

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(System's Outfit)

We ended up at my apartment. Laying in my bed, naked. We didn't necessarily have makeup sex, just to know that we are each other's rock. That we fought over something incredibly stupid and that no matter what, we still love each other.

I made so many promises in the past few hours. Even Salem and Kai fronted. I know Ivy kisses Salem, but I don't know about Kai. That fucker. He annoys the shit outta me. We all love him though.

"Fin, " Ivy's voice breaks me out of my thoughts, "I need water." her voice is rough, and I know mine is too.

"Okay, baby." I get up and get her water. On my way back from the kitchen, I see her standing in the bedroom doorway. The only thing she is wearing is my shirt. I walk up to her and hand her the water. She takes a few sips and then looks up at me.


"You're really pretty, you know that Fin?" I smile at her words. I pull her into me and hug her.

"And you're beautiful." she hums at me. I take her water and lift her up in my arms. I set the cup on the bedside table and sit down on the bed. My bare back is against the headboard, Ivy has her head on my chest while I play with her hair. She draws random shapes on my pec.

I hear her lightly laugh, "What?" I ask after a few seconds. She laughs again.

"Titties." I laugh with her. My God.

"What the hell?"

She looks up at me, "If you aren't actually flexing then your pecs get squishy, right?" I nod my head when she looks at me.

"Doesn't that make them titties?" my jaw drops and I don't know what to say.

"N-no...?" Ivy shakes her head and lays back down on top of me. There's a knock at the door that interrupts our cuddle session. I slowly get up and put a shirt on, seeing as I was already wearing sweats. I don't just walk around my apartment naked.

I answer the door the see some guys from the baseball team, and Sam. I let them in and go back to my room.

"Some guys from the team showed up, we should probably get ready," I tell Ivy. She groans but gets up anyway. I go tell the guys that I'm gonna shower and get dressed. I find Ivy already in the shower and get in with her. I can tell she's about to wash her hair.

I pull her to me and grab some shampoo, I wash her hair for her and let her relax. I honestly don't care, or get grossed out, by how much hair girls lose when they wash their hair. It doesn't bother me. She doesn't wash my hair, but she scrubs me down. There was never anything sexual about that shower, it was nice. This is what I like about our relationship. We can joke around and not have to be serious 24/7. We both wash off and get out. I put on a white and black striped shirt with black jeans. I head out to the living room while Ivy continues to get ready.

"You got a girl in there lover boy?" Austen asks, he's an outfielder. I play shortstop.

"Very funny," I say when I sit down. The next thing I know is that Ivy is walking out of my room with black jeans on and my sweatshirt. She looks at all of us with her arms crossed. I raise an eyebrow when our eyes meet. She looks over at Sam, I make an O shape with my mouth when I realize what she's silently talking about.

Ivy leaves the living room and comes back in with a cup of coffee. All of us guys are on the sectional, with me sitting on the arm of the couch. Ivy sits down on the wooden coffee table. She takes a sip of her coffee and then sets the cup down.

"I swear to God if anybody says anything about me... Be prepared for your balls to be chopped off, okay? Okay."

"Damn, I like her," Kane says to me. I laugh and look at Ivy, she has a sly smile on her face.

"Alright, everyone this is Ivy. Ivy, this is Kane, Austen, Slay, Sam as you know, Jack, and Noah." I go from left to right.

"Hey." she lifts her hand. Sam clears his throat and looks at her.

☕︎︎Ivy's POV☕︎︎

Sam looks at me and I know some type of insult is coming at me, "So you are a slut? I wasn't wrong, you better not just be here to sleep with Fin. Go find someone else to be fuck buddies with." Slay and Jack hit Sam at the same time. I don't say anything, just stare at him. I blink a few times.

"I don't think you heard me, Sam. I'm honestly not afraid of you. And for one, I'm not a slut so I suggest you shut your mouth before you get bitch slapped. If you want to throw insults at me and be immature, I suggest calling me a bitch, because then you would be correct for the first time in your life." he scoffs, and the other boys laugh. I get up and grab my coffee cup, "I hope you sleep well at night Sam." I tell him while I walk back to Fin's room. I grab my phone off the nightstand and text Abby.

𝙼𝚎: 𝙳𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛? 𝙸'𝚖 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚎 :(

𝙰𝚋𝚋𝚢<𝟹: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚑, 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚞 𝚊𝚝?

𝙼𝚎: 𝙵𝚒𝚗'𝚜

𝙰𝚋𝚋𝚢<𝟹: 𝙾𝙼𝚆

There's a knock soon and I go open the door.

"I brought Cards Against Humanity!" she smiles at me. I shake my head and let her in. As soon as she sees the boys she starts harassing them. I walk into the living room to see Kane and Noah wrestling.

"I'm uh pretty sure that this living room isn't big enough for that... Where's Fin?"

"Right here." I feel arms wrap around my waist and his breath hits my ear. I look up at him and smile. Lick him, my thoughts tell me. I give Fin an evil smile and lick his cheek. His jaw drops and I giggle. He lifts me up and I laugh and scream.

❦Fin's POV❦

I lift Ivy up over my shoulder. Within a few seconds, everything turns to chaos. We are all wrestling and playing around. Once we all calm down we pull out CAH. We play a few rounds until it's around 11:00 pm and everyone goes home. Ivy and I are cleaning up in the living room. After cleaning up we go get in bed. I kiss her goodnight and watch her drift off. I get up out of bed and walk to the balcony that is connected to the living room. I watch as a few cars go by. I can't stop thinking about her. God, I'm in love.

I hope y'all enjoyed. Motherwort represents secret love.

Word Count: 1204

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