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☕︎︎Ivy's POV☕︎︎

(Ivy's Outfit of the day)

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(Ivy's Outfit of the day)

It's 2:00 and it's been three days since I've seen or heard from the system. The last time I talked to them was Wednesday, therefore it's Saturday.

I decide I'm going to watch a movie. My mom comes back on Monday so I have the house to myself for a while. I head down to the kitchen and get myself a tub of Häagen-Dazs Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream. I grab a spoon and make my way back up to my room. I settle on just watching Criminal Minds.

I finish my small tub and pause my show. Once in the kitchen to throw away the tub and put the spoon in the sink, the doorbell rings with 4 loud knocks on the door.

I cautiously walk towards the door and look through the peephole. As soon as I see who stands there I throw open the door.

Outside the door sits a bloody... I can't tell who it is. The system looks up at me and I can't help but start to cry. I crouch down to their face level and grab their head gently. I try to find why their face is covered in blood.

"Ivy... I ran." They croak out.

"How can I help? I need to know who's fronting." I try my best to stay calm but it's extremely difficult.

" It's Kai. I need-" he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. "I need you to call the police." He opens his eyes with his last word. I quickly squeak out an "okay" and do my best to get him up and to my kitchen. By the time I have him sitting on the kitchen floor, my clothes are halfway covered in blood.

Kai is slowly starting to lose consciousness. I run as fast as I can upstairs, grab my phone, and dial 911 as I run back down the stairs.

"911 where's your emergency?" The operator asks calmly.

"Kai I need you to stay awake okay? Umm my uh my address is uh 81296 Apricot Drive. I uh, umm, " I start hyperventilating and crying harder, "Kai I really need you to stay awake, please." The word please comes out as a whisper.

"Ma'am, can you put me on speaker and try to multi-task for me?"

"Y-yes, I can." I put her on speaker and start answering her questions while keeping Kai awake. I hurriedly find a new towel to press on his main wound.

As soon as I hear the sirens Kai passes out. The paramedics get inside and I hang up with the operator. I answer all of the paramedic's questions and get in the ambulance with them. Once we get to the Emergency Room, I go outside to call my mom and tell her what happened. Kai was taken back immediately for emergency surgery. I'm telling my mom that the kitchen was currently covered in blood when a nurse comes outside to talk to me.

"Mom I have to go, I'll see you when you get home. I'm sorry to pull you away from your trip."

"Honey, it's okay. I just need you and your friend to be okay, alright?"

"Yeah." I let out a deep breath. "Bye, mom."

"Bye, sweetie." I hang up the phone.

"He should be out of surgery in about 15 minutes."

"Um them, they're non-binary. They go by they/them pronouns. But, umm thank you."

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I didn't know."

" It's okay. You know now though!" I add with a polite smile. She nods her head and walks back into the hospital. I stay outside and regain my composure. The doctor comes outside to take me to the system's room. It's nice in here.

"They should be in the hospital for a few weeks. The damage was extensive. I would get them comfortable here." The doctor tells me. I look his way and nod my head. I give him a small smile and he walks out of the room.

I sit by the system's bed for a while. They aren't breathing on their own yet, maybe later today? No, I shouldn't get my hopes up. Nothing EVER comes out good when it comes to me. But, please God, let them wake up!


Oh my God!!! I tried so hard not to cry writing this chapter. Thank you for reading.
Hydrangeas represent heartfeltness. 

Word Count: 745

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