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☕︎︎Ivy's POV☕︎︎

☕︎︎Ivy's POV☕︎︎

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(Ivy's Outfit)

(System's Outfit)

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(System's Outfit)

I decided to steal one of Kai's jackets. It's super comfy. I'm in the first period sitting next to the system. I can't tell who's fronted right now because they all seem to be fighting. I do know that they have their hand on my thigh and keep rubbing it.

I'm not able to pay attention right now so I'm doodling in my notebook.

"Miss Harper?" I hear from behind me. I lift my head to see my teacher behind me with her hand on the back of my chair. "Would you like to answer the question? Or are you going to continue whatever you're doing?" I can see everyone looking at me, everyone besides Fin.

"Uh, " I look up at the board, "Melanie is the main character, technically. She wasn't fully taken over when she was injected."

"Thank you!" she says impatiently. The system finally looks at me as soon as I put my head down. I can hear kids laughing around me. I look up and see that they are pointing at me, they are laughing at me.

I see a paper ball on my desk. I grab it and open it, I regret reading it as soon as I do.

𝐺𝑜 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝐵𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ!

I get up and run out of the classroom. I left all of my stuff in the classroom, I decided to take safety in the girl's bathroom at the end of the hall. I hear footsteps and try to muffle my crying.

"Ivy?" the person asks. I open the door and see Kai standing there. We are both standing in this stall, door closed, him trying to comfort me. Kai slowly brings me out of the stall. I slide down the wall and Kai crouches in front of me.

I'm trying so hard not to cry but I can't stop it. I hear more footsteps while Kai wipes away my tears. I shut my eyes and bite my hand. The footsteps stop. Nothing is said, just the sound of me trying not to cry.

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