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☕︎︎Ivy's POV☕︎︎

(Ivy's Outfit of the day)

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(Ivy's Outfit of the day)

I rode in the ambulance to the hospital. The system's emergency contact wouldn't answer so I went with. They ended up in surgery and I don't know much about them. I told the doctors and nurses that they are a DID system and Finley is the host.

It's about an hour later. I haven't been paying attention to the time, and they wake up. I can't tell who it is but I'm guessing Kai since he's the physical protector.

"Hey." I say softly.

"Everything hurts. Where am I?" I laugh slightly at the way he sounds? He looks high as a kite from the anesthesia.

"You're in the hospital... Kai?"

"Mhm. Ivy?"

"Yeah, it's me. I'm gonna call the nurse in for you. Okay?" He doesn't respond, just nods his head. I press the call button and wait. By the time the nurse gets here, which took about a minute, Kai is already almost asleep.

"Kai is fronted, he just woke up." I whisper to her. Even though I don't really know the system, I feel the need to stick by them.

"Okay, that's good to know. I'll bring him some water and applesauce!"

"Thank you!" Kai and I say at the same time. This makes me laugh softly. Even though I can see the pain on his face, he looks at me with admiration.

꧁꧂꧁꧂2 weeks later꧁꧂꧁꧂

☕︎︎Ivy's POV☕︎︎

(System's Outfit of the day)

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(System's Outfit of the day)

(System's Outfit of the day)

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(Ivy's outfit of the day)

Kai and I are sitting in a booth at Cherry's Café. He's never been to a café before so I ordered for him. I thought a Chai Tea Latte sounded just perfect for Kai's personality. Over the past two weeks, the system and I have become good friends.

"Okay, okay. So, you're pan?" He asks me.

"Yes. And you're straight?"


"Salem is a lesbian and Finley is non-binary and asexual? Correct?"

"Yes and yes! Although I don't understand how Fin could be asexual."

"What do you mean by that?- thank you!" I ask him and thank the waitress not wanting to seem rude.

"Well, " He moves the cup around in his hands, "I dunno, I just, ehhh..." He trails off.

"It's because you like sex, isn't it?" I laugh out. He brings the cup up to his lips and sniffs it. I raise an eyebrow as he looks down at the cardboard cup. I watch in amusement as he takes the top off and watches the latte as it swirls around.

He sets the cup down and walks off to the counter. He comes back with a plastic straw and puts it in his latte. I laugh as he takes a sip.

"What?" He questions me.

"Really Chai?"


"Yeah, it's my new nickname for you! Seeing as you can't drink it correctly."

"Well uh, that's not fair. I've never been to a café, let alone drank a chai tea!" He exclaims. It's cute watching him get flustered over this... Did I just call him cute? Oh no, oh no no no no no! No feelings! Not today Satan!

"Hey, Ivy you okay?"

"Oh yeah, you didn't answer my question!"

"Um yeah I guess. The body is a virgin though, so."

"Smut?" I raise an eyebrow and wink.

"NO!" He yells out and the other people in the café look at us. I laugh and he apologizes to the people around us.

After a few more minutes of talking and laughing, Finley fronts and we get up and walk to the park. We sit down on the swings.

"Wanna play 20 Questions?" They ask me.

"Umm sure! Favorite color?"

"Black. Yours?"

"Pastel pink. Birth gender?" It takes me a while to think of the question, hoping I don't offend them.

"Male, when's your birthday?"

"May 9th, 2003. Yours?"

"September 14th, 2002. Do you have a job?"

"No, do you Fin?"

"Yep, I'm working as a cashier at Antony's. Are you scared of spiders?"

"Aren't we all? Yes, I am. Do you paint?" I ask raising the pitch of my voice a little.

"I do, sometimes." I laugh at their answer even though it makes sense. "Do you like vegetables?"

"I do, are you happy?" I ask them with a smile.

"I am right now." They smile back at me. Their smile is one that lights up a whole room. "Do you play an instrument?"

"No, do you?"

"Nope, umm do you like to read?"

"Yes, actually. I bet that's very hard to understand." I add with a wink. They laugh at my response and it gives me butterflies in my stomach. I clear my throat, "Do you have siblings?"

"Mm mm, I don't. Do you?" They shake their head no.

"I don't. Are you good at sports?"

"I guess? I'm good at baseball, I've played it for a while."

"Really!" I ask getting giddy about it. They laugh and respond with a "yeah".

"Well uh, do you always do your homework Ivy?"

"I do! I'm guessing you don't?"

"Not always no."


Thanks for reading!
Heather flower represents admiration.

Word count: 851

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