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Byeol finally talks to Yugyeom

A/N: this is set in present times

"What movies do you want to watch tonight?" Byeol asked as she floated around the kitchen. She wasn't much of a cook, but she had always been able to whip up something edible for her and Yugyeom when she had to.

"I was actually going to hang out with some of the '97 liners tonight," Yugyeom said with a shrug. "Oh." Byeol was disappointed. Ever since they had moved in together, Friday nights had always been movie nights for her and Yugyeom if they weren't busy on a schedule.

Most of the time it was just them two, but sometimes BamBam would join them or all the members or another member. "Maybe I can come with you? We'll still have our Friday night bonding," Byeol asked with a smile. Yugyeom shook his head.

"We're going out to a club, I don't think you'd like it too much. Besides, it's just the guys, there aren't going to be any girls." Byeol slammed the wooden spoon down on the counter, causing Yugyeom to jump. It was rare when Byeol would get mad or upset and it was clear that she was right now.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" He hissed and Byeol only glared at him. "I'm seriously so sick of this," she spat out and Yugyeom raised and eyebrow. "Sick of what?"

"You!" She said in frustration. She was to mixed with emotions right now to elaborate. Yugyeom's heart rate picked up a little and his eyes went wide. What had he done? All he said was he was going to hang out with some friends!

Taking a deep breath, Byeol got her thought together before speaking through clenched teeth. "Every time I want to hang out with all of you, you always push me away! Not just you, BamBam to!"

"They're my friends too, not just yours. What does it matter if I'm the only girl?! You've been in a group with only one girl for years but when it comes to our friends it's suddenly an issue!"

Byeol could feel the word vomit coming and she had no way to stop it. This was years in the making and she should have talked to both of the boys all those years ago when Youngjae had told her to.

"They all like me and you all like me! Is there something wrong with what I do or say that I can't ever seem to be able to hang out with you all? Or with them?! I always get teased for liking one of them or you two always say 'it's just the guys' or 'boys only.' I'm a '07 liner to, dammit! And I'm allowed to have friends! We're allowed to have mutual friends! I just don't get it!"

Byeol harshly rubbed the sleeve of her hoodie across her eyes. They were burning with angry and frustrated tears. Yugyeom just stood there looking at her in shock, unsure of what to say. It was clear this was something that bothered her more than just today.

There wasn't anything wrong with her hanging out with them. There wasn't anything wrong with them being friends. But like Byeol had said, they liked her. And that was something Yugyeom was uneasy about. He didn't want them liking her as friend to turn into something more.

"Moon," he murmured, wrapping the girl in a hug. She hugged him back, trembling a little. Yugyeom wasn't sure if that was from the anger or her trying not to cry. "I-I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry. It's not like that," he mumbled into her hair.

She pulled away with a snort. "Whatever. It doesn't matter. Just go out and have fun, I'll see if Shownu is free or something." Yugyeom slightly narrowed his eyes and bit his bottom lip.

"Moon," his voice was a little sharper this time. She turned to face him and he sighed. "It's not what you think. It's not that we don't want to hang out with you."

"Then what else could it be?! It gets a little lonely be excluded from almost everything when you guys hang out." There was definite jealousy in her voice and that made Yugyeom feel worse.

"It's just—it's not that, okay? Can you please just trust me on that?" Byeol only rolled her eyes and turned around to shut the burner off. "Whatever, Yugyeom." He knew it wasn't just whatever and he wasn't sure what to say. He knew what he had to say, but he didn't think he could ever bring himself to say that.

"It's because I like you!" He blurted out, eyes squeezed shut and hands clenched into fists. Byeol froze, eyes wide and unsure if she should respond to that. Or how she should even respond to that. Clearing her throat, she turned around with an uneasy smile.

"I would hope you like me, we live together," she awkwardly teased and Yugyeom shook his head. "No, babo. I like you. I have a crush on you. And I don't want them catching feelings because I don't know if I could handle that. It almost happened with Minghao and I almost punched him, I swear."

Byeol looked at him in shock. It had been a long time since her and Minghao had gone on their dinner date. But had his crush really gone that far back? How had she never picked up on it? Why hadn't any of the others told her or teased her about it? They always teased each other about everything. That's usually how she found out who the boys were crushing on.

Byeol just stared at her younger member who was pale and looked like he had just messed everything up. He hadn't messed anything up, per say. But this was something that needed to be talked about because Byeol was dating someone right now.

This was just quite unexpected.

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