Gut Feelings

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The rest of the boys meet Chisol

"This is the cafeteria, but we don't use it much." Byeol said. Chisol had begged her for weeks to take her on a tour of JYP's building. She had held off because she knew that BamBam was already skeptical of Chisol's intentions, but she had gotten the okay from JYP himself. Besides, Chisol was her friend, not BamBam's.

"I didn't realize it was so big," Chisol said, eyes going wild looking at everything. Byeol shrugged. "I guess I'm just used to it. C'mon, I'll take you to the practice rooms." Chisol's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Is that where the rest of them are?" Byeol nodded, raising an eyebrow. Who else would be in them?

They headed into the elevator and Chisol tapped her foot. Byeol took it as she was nervous. "Don't worry, they're really nice. Just annoying sometimes." She shrugged and Chisol laughed. "I'm just excited. I've dreamed of meeting them for so long!" Byeol raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I didn't know you knew who we were." Chisol shrugged, an uneasy smile on her face. "I mean—after you told—I looked you all up."

Byeol smiled; of course she would look them up after she found out. Any person would. She shook her head slightly; she was letting Bam's worries cloud her mind to much. The elevator dinged and Byeol hurried out, Chisol hanging on her arm practically squealing with excitement.

Byeol opened the room that the rest of her members were in. "YAH! I'M HERE!" She screamed and Jinyoung gave her a dead look, not noticing the small creature hanging from her arm right away. He perked up a little, a slight smile on his face. "Nice of you to join us, Moon. Who's your friend?" Byeol rolled her eyes, pushing Chisol forward.

"Chisol, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Chisol." They all bowed, greeting her except for BamBam who just leaned against the wall, face void of emotions. "Jaebeom-oppa!" Chisol said, walking right up to their leader. He smiled, feeling a little uncomfortable and stepped a few feet back. "I've been a fan for so many years I never thought I'd actually get to meet you! You're so handsome!" His cheeks flushed slightly as he thanked her quietly.

Byeol raised an eyebrow; didn't Chisol just tell her she didn't know who they were until she told her? She ignored it, happy that they were all getting along. At least in her eyes. She didn't notice that rest seemed a little apprehensive and that Youngjae had moved impeccably closer to her. She bumped him with her hip. "What's wrong, oppa?"

He shook his head, offering a smile. "Nothing. Where'd you meet her again?" He whispered and Byeol quickly explained that she met her in the doctor's office. "So you're the one that made our Moon a little blueberry?" Yugyeom teased and Chisol laughed, her hand gently swatting his arm as she fluttered her eyelashes. BamBam clenched his jaw.

"It looks pretty crappy now, but once she comes back for the second round it'll look much better!" Byeol didn't know if that was a dig at her or not. But it couldn't be, they were friends and she wasn't entirely wrong. "I think it looks nice." Mark said, eyes narrowing in on the girl. Chisol laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulders. "Oh, Mark-oppa, you flatter her to much. She can always look better and I'm here to help with that!"

All the members exchanged glances with each other but Byeol missed it, walking to her friend and wrapping her arm around her shoulders. "I promise I'll come back soon. We've been busy. But we need to practice now, you can't stay. We can't spoil everything." She winked and Chisol's face fell for a second before it was replaced by her usual toothy grin. "Right! I'll be going. Nice to meet you all!"

She headed towards the door, rummaging through her bag when her face fell into a frown and she turned around. "Uh, Byeol-ah," she said quietly and Byeol walked over, shielding her from the stares of her members. "I used the last of my money for the train here; I don't get paid till tomorrow. Do you think I could borrow some train money?" She smiled shyly and Byeol ruffled her hair.

She walked over to her bag, pulling out her wallet. BamBam grabbed her wrist before she could get up, not really meaning to, but it happened on instinct. "Yah, what're you doing?" Byeol shook his hand off, glaring at him. "Helping out my friend." She said, standing up and handing over some cash to Chisol. She skipped out of the room.

"Is that the girl you spent 50,000 won on drinks for the other night?" Yugyeom asked and everyone's mouth fell open. "I'm sorry—drinks—50,000 won?!" Jinyoung said and Byeol shrugged. "I took her to the idol club; she couldn't afford half the things there so I bought her some drinks. I don't see the big deal?" She crossed her arms, starting to become irritated.

"You really are a child," Mark said, rolling his eyes. She narrowed hers, ready for a fight. "I'm not a child Mark Tuan." She said in between clenched teeth and he spun around, eyes blazing with fire just as much as hers. "Yet you can't see she's just using you for your fame?!" Byeol scoffed ready to retort before BamBam spoke. "He's right, Moon."

She clicked her tongue, glaring at them. "You know what, there's no need for you to be jealous about it, Bam. You have Yugyeom-ie and I have Chisol." BamBam raised an eyebrow. "What does that even mean?!" Byeol threw her hands up, walking over and grabbing her stuff. "Moon-ah, we need to practice," Youngjae said gently.

She stood up, swinging her bag over her shoulder. "Go ahead. I'm fine practicing on my own today. JB-oppa can just catch me up on the things I missed, right?" She snapped, walking out of the room and if the door was capable of slamming, she would have slammed it.

"She lied about not having her wallet too when I first met her. Made Byeol pay for their coffee and sweets." BamBam said, eyes trained on the door. JB sighed; they couldn't do this right now. They needed to practice. "Just—just get ready. I'll catch her up tomorrow if she needs it. We can talk about this later."

Chisol walking to the train:

"I'll tell you, girl. She just gives me money when I ask for it. And get this! I got to meet all of GOT7 today, in the practice rooms!" The person on the other end of the line squealed with excitement.

"I knew being her friend would be good for something. Next step is a job at JYP."

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