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Byeol starts to pay closer attention

The next few weeks went as normal. Byeol ignored the little argument her and JB and Jinyoung had. But their words stuck in her head and she was still frustrated about it. She had started to pay closer attention to the relationship between her and Chisol.

They had gone out a few times after the party and each time Byeol paid for her: bought her food, clothes, free tickets, invited her to hang out with them, etc. She started to notice that all Chisol really ever talked about when they were together was who Byeol hung around with. The boys for sure, but she asked about other friends too. Hyungwon, Shownu, Jungkook, Harin.

Rarely was the conversation ever to see how she was doing, to wish her luck on a performance or just to have a good day. She bit her cheek as she chugged half her water. Her and Chisol were supposed to be meeting up today after she practiced and Byeol was going to ask her. She'd hope she'd be honest, no matter how much she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the truth.

She had been unusually quiet during practice, but no one questioned it. They had all sensed the underlying tension regardless of how normal she had tried to make it seem. They wanted to give her time to cool off because Byeol was not one to mind her words and sometimes, her hands. Once practice finished, Byeol told Yugyeom she'd meet him at home and quickly walked out.

She met Chisol outside her work place. They were going to the small café they had first gone to when Chisol attempted to dye her hair. "Do you ever wear anything other than hoodies?" Chisol chided as she came out, dressed in a skirt and fluffy pink sweater. Byeol shrugged, gripping the strap of her bag. "I was at practice. And I like this. It's comfy."

Chisol clicked her tongue and started walking. They entered the café and ordered. "Byeol-ah," Chisol said sweetly. "Could you get this one? I didn't make much tips today." Byeol frowned but she couldn't say no. She knew that regardless of character, most people didn't make as much money as she did and few thousand won on coffee barely made a dent in her bank account. So, once again, she paid.

"I really like this necklace you bought me," Chisol said, sitting down at a table. Byeol offered a small smile. It was expensive, but they had got matching ones. Best friend necklaces. "Chisol-ssi, I have to ask you something." Byeol said and Chisol raised an eyebrow, sipping her drink. "If it's about me wanting to go on a date with Jackson, then yes." She winked and Byeol frowned.

"Oh! I'm only joking. Go on then." Byeol took a breath. "That day in the doctor's office—did you already know who I was?" Chisol furrowed her brows slightly but nodded. "Of course. But to be fair, almost anyone would know who you were." Byeol sighed, she wasn't exactly wrong. They were one of the more popular groups. "Why did you want to be my friend, then?" She asked bluntly and Chisol looked taken aback for a moment.

"Because." She said and Byeol crossed her arms, rasing an eyebrow. "I feel like you're taking advantage of some of the differences in our life and I don't think you wanted this friendship for the right reasons." Chisol scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Is that really how you think of me?" Byeol shrugged. She didn't really know how she thought of her right now. "I had other—intentions—at first. But I'm happy we're friends."

Byeol narrowed her eyes. "Other intentions?" Chisol sighed dramatically, placing her hand on Byeol's arm. "Byeol-ah, of course at first I just thought being friends with a famous person would boost my image. Plus, have you seen your members? Being with one of them I would be set for life." Byeol felt her anger bubbling up but she wasn't sure if it was directed towards Chisol or herself for being so blind.

"But I like our friendship! You buy me things and I get to go to really cool parties and meet other idols! It's like every girls dream nowadays." Chisol said and Byeol stood up, grabbing her bag. "Where are you going?" Byeol glared at the girl in front of her. "I don't think we should contact each other anymore." Chisol scoffed, chuckling to herself. "No wonder why they always called you the dumb blonde of the group. Miss prim and proper always thinking the best of the world. Fine, Byeol. But you'll regret this."

Byeol wanted nothing more than to take her fist and connect it with Chisol's smirking face, but she opted to not ruin her image for that. Instead she reached over, yanking the necklace off her neck. "You don't deserve this." Chisol gasped, hand placed around her collarbone. "That's mine!" She shrieked but Byeol was already running out the door.

She couldn't go home right now. She felt stupid, idiotic, angry, used and most of all, hurt. JB and Jinyoung had been right and now she felt guilty for fighting with them. She knew they weren't mad at her, but she had yelled at them. She found herself back in front of the building and she looked up, feeling tears well in her eyes. She really had to start believing that being idol meant you can't have normal friends.

She walked in, ignoring the receptionist who greeted her and made her way to her studio, locking herself in. The minute the door closed she slid down to the floor, pulling her knees into her chest and let her tears finally fall.

She really was the stupidest person in all of Korea.

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