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Byeol panics and the boys are there to help

A/N: there will be mentions of flashbacks (nothing graphic) and details of panic attacks and anxiety. Please don't read if any of these things may trigger you.  

Byeol pulled her bag closer to her chest and took in a deep breath. Therapy had been going great, so far. But it had left her with these unimaginable nightmares. She had a particularly rough one last night. When Yugyeom showed up in her room in only his underwear wielding a baseball bat, she knew she couldn't keep at this.

She had decided to do her own exposure therapy, without telling anyone else. Her first mistake. She now sat on the very crowded train and was starting to panic. Sure, there were people all around her, but how could she trust that not one of them wanted to hurt her? How could she trust that not one of them would raise a hand to her?

She squeezed her bag, hoping it hid the shaking of her hands. Her chest felt heavy, her lungs felt like they had a belt wrapped around them that wouldn't allow them to expand all the way. She needed to get off. She needed to breathe. So, she jumped off at the next stop. Her second mistake.

She shakily made her way out to the street, looking around for any sign of where she was. Her breath hitched when she recognized a familiar store. She was back in her hometown. She hadn't seen nor talked to her parents since the news came out. She felt ashamed and guilty. She felt her eyes burn with unshed tears and she shook her head. She had to get back to the dorm.

However, fate had other plans. She turned around, coming face to face with an old friend from school, before she moved to Seoul. "Byeol-ah! It's so good to see you!" The girls voice chirped, and she only managed a nod. "I—it was nice seeing you but I need to go." The girl scoffed. While the two had been friends, she had also been really good friends with him. Byeol wouldn't be surprised if they had an affair while she was dating him.

"I really can't believe you made up all those lies about him, you know. I never thought of you as that kind of person." Her said friend walked past her, roughly bumping into her shoulder and that's all it took for Byeol to lose it. She ran until she found a secluded area, dropping to her knees and trying to breathe. The tears she had been desperately trying to hold in fell.

So, she did the first thing she could think of. Mark. She pulled her phone out, somehow managing to call him. "Moon? What's up?" He asked but immediately started panicking once her heard her uneven breaths and the sobs leaving her throat. "M-Mark. I—I fucked up. P-please. I n-need you to get me. P-please."

Mark ran his fingers through his hair, grabbing his keys and running out the door. "Where are you, Moon-ah? Send me your location." She hung up, sending him a pin of her location and curled into herself, trying to breathe. She was dizzy from the hyperventilating. She knew she looked a mess. She knew she shouldn't have done this. But damn her and her stubborn ass brain telling her she could.

It seemed like hours before someone was wrapping their arms around her. She thrashed, covering her face and trying to crawl away. "D-don't touch me! I-I'm sorry! D-don't touch me!" Mark was standing there, frozen, unsure of what to do. "Moon-ssi," she said quietly, taking a small step towards her. "It's Mark, Moon. Let me take you home."

Something registered in her brain and she cautiously took his hand. He led her to the car, driving back as fast as he could. She was still crying and shaking. He had already messaged the others, worried that him alone wasn't going to be able to console her. They reached her and Yugyeom's shared apartment and JB was pacing back and forth in front of the door. "What happened?!" He walked towards them and Byeol cowarded away, hiding herself behind Mark. Jaebeom paused, looking at Mark and feeling his heart drop. Why was she cowering away from him? "Let me bring her inside. She's not—not herself right now."

Jaebeom stayed a few feet behind and Mark was able to get Byeol into the apartment. She was still crying and flinching away from everyone. "Hyung, what do we do?" BamBam whispered to Youngjae and he only hung his head. "We just need to let her go through it."

So, they did. They helped her shower. They changed her clothes. Jinyoung wiped her makeup off. Jackson and Yugyeom made her favorite foods. Jaebeom went and bought her favorite sweets. BamBam assisted Mark in making sure she showered and changed her clothes. Brushed her hair while Mark dried it. Yugyeom made the couch as comfy as he could.

Her blankets and pillows were out there. He sprayed his cologne, remembering the time when she had told him that it was one of her favorite scents. She sued to just spray one of his hoodies that she had stolen in it to help her sleep at night before their group really kicked off. He walked to her room and she looked better than when she had first shown up, but still broken and lost.

"Noona?" He asked and Mark and BamBam held their breath. Was she going to answer or break down again? They had just gotten her reduced to a few sniffles and hiccups here and there. "Yugs?" She asked, voice hoarse and small. He walked forward sitting next to her. "Wanna check the doors and windows?" He asked and she nodded and he took her hand, letting her latch herself to his side.

This had become a nightly ritual for the two since all her stuff had come back. Since he had come back. She couldn't sleep until double checking that everything that could be open to the outside world was locked and locked good. Yugyeom never found it annoying or a hassle. He did what she needed to feel safe and even though their apartment was on the 8th floor, he still would follow her around while she checked all the locks. And that's exactly what he did now.

The others just watched, curious and confused. Yugyeom only shook his head, guiding her to the front door and then from window to window. Finally, she collapsed on to the couch, latching on to Jaebeom. He stiffened a little, but quickly relaxed and patted her back. "Tell me what happened?" He asked quietly and she took in a breath.

"I was stupid and thought I could do some things that have been making me anxious. I should've never went." That's all she said before Jackson was climbing on top of her, turning her face to his. "You're not stupid, Moon. But bring one of us next time, yeah?" She nodded, offering a tired and small smile. But it was a milestone from where she was twenty minutes ago.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you all." Jackson clicked his tongue, positioning himself behind her and pulling her back to his chest, kissing the top of her head. "You're safe. That's all that matters." She hummed and Jaebeom patted her leg. "We'll go more often." She only nodded as the others all looked at them with a raised brow.

"I hope you got my favorite ice cream or I might just have to start crying again," Byeol said, leaning forward for the bag. She noticed JB falter a little in his steps. "Oppa?" She looked at him and he didn't say anything, rushing to the front door.

"I need to go back to the store."

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