Chinese Food

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Byeol makes a new friend

Byeol had always prided herself on being able to be a likeable person. She didn't judge people, she liked talking with new people, and she liked making friends. But tonight, she wasn't up for being the groups socialite. She just wanted to curl under her covers with some Chinese takeout food and watch movies.

"Noona, did you eat all the snacks for tonight?!" Yugyeom said and Byeol swallowed the chips she was chewing. "Uh, no?" She smiled and BamBam rolled his eyes. "You need to keep them locked in your room. Her stomach is bottomless pit." Byeol rolled her eyes.

Yugyeom and BamBam had decided that tonight they wanted to have a "guys" night with their friends from the '97 line. Byeol had been invited to join them, but she knew it was just them being nice. They didn't really want a girl around. But she lived there and wasn't about to stay with someone else or get a hotel room just for them.

Usually, she would. She knew that boy time was important to them or whatever. But she really just wanted to be under her covers and watching bad sitcoms. "I'll be locked away in my room, don't let anyone bother me." She said and BamBam nodded. "We can't help it that you're just so pretty." She scoffed, stalking off towards her room and ordering her Chinese food.

A few minutes later she was cuddled under her covers, her cheesy drama playing and waiting—impatiently—for her food to get there. She had heard the noise coming from the living room. She figured everyone was there which only made her groan. She really didn't want to have to put on pants. Her shorts were very comfortable. She tried texting Yugyeom and BamBam to bring her food, but they hadn't responded.

She sighed, opening her door a crack and peeking out. Maybe she could make a run for it without any of them noticing her. It's not like the front door was right next to the living room or anything. And they were probably too caught up in their video games to notice her. As she bit her lip, contemplating when she should make a run for it she jumped a little as someone greeted her.

"Ah, hello, noona!" She closed the door more, still in her booty shorts. "Oh! Minghao! Hello!" The auburn haired boy smiled brightly at her. "Are you—ah—okay?" He asked and her cheeks flushed out of embarrassment. She was peeking out the crack from her door. She opened it a little wider and saw Minghao avert his gaze elsewhere.

"Psst—Minghao!" She whisper-yelled. He gulped and looked at her. "I really don't want to put pants on. Do you think you could maybe grab my food and bring it to me?" She batted her lashes and gave him the best puppy eyes she could manage. He laughed, running his hand through his hair. "Y-yeah. I'll get it. I'll be right back."

She breathed a sigh of relief, shutting her door and crawling back under her covers. A few seconds later, Minghao opened her door with a large bad of takeout food in his hands. "You should really knock, Myungho. What if I was naked?" She used his Korean name to sound more serious even though she was joking, and the tips of his ears turned a bright red.

"S-sorry, Moon. I didn't even think about that." She laughed, holding her hand out for the food. "I'm just kidding, silly. Thanks for getting my food!" Minghao stared at her, eyes wide. "Are you really going to eat all that? By yourself?" She giggled. She told Yugyeom he hadn't bought enough snacks for growing men. "Most of it. But I can share. Want some?"

He bit his bottom lip, but nodded and she scooted over on her bed so he could join her. "Come, come. They gave me two pairs of chopsticks anyways." He gladly took them and she played her drama she had paused. "Ah! I've heard of this drama!" Minghao said, eyes trained on the screen. Byeol giggled.

"This is why you're not hanging out with us tonight?" Byeol shrugged. "Just wasn't feeling social today. Plus, I need to catch up before the new season comes out." Minghao frowned, eating some more food. "I can leave—if you want to just be alone. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude." Byeol chuckled as he stumbled over his words and she placed a hand on his knee.

His cheeks flushed, but Byeol pretended not to notice. "It's fine. If I didn't want you to stay and I wouldn't have offered." She smiled as he looked relieved. "Just saying, this Chinese food is really bad." Byeol laughed and nodded her head. "Of course, you think so! You're from China, you get authentic Chinese food. I just search up the closest places." She winked and Minghao chuckled.

"I can—uhm, never mind." She raised a brow, slurping some noodles. "You got some—ah, just come here." He pulled her close to him and wiped some sauce from the corner of her mouth. She backed up, cheeks flushed a violent red and she was glad it was a little dim in her room so that you couldn't really tell. "T-thanks." She stuttered out.

He smiled. "I can take you to the place I always go too. It's really good. And you know, real Chinese food. Not takeout." He winked and she laughed. "I'd like that. Just let me know when?" He nodded and they finished the food, both of them immersed into the drama. "Shouldn't be out there with your friends?" She asked after she heard someone asking where he had run off too.

He shrugged, eyes still trained on the TV. "They'll find me eventually. Maybe. But I need to see how this ends first. Then I'll go back." Jungkook and BamBam did knock at her door but she played along and said she hadn't seen him. True to his word, Minghao left to go back to his friends when the episode ended. "Maybe sometime next week? If you're free of course." He said, pausing before he walked back out. Byeol nodded, smiling. "Perfect! Just let me know what works for you."

He smiled and left and Byeol laid back on her pillows. Maybe she'd have to order Chinese food more often.

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