Request-Sit Still

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Jackson and Byeol drive everyone crazy during rehearsals

"Let's start from Hard Carry," their manager said and everyone got into position. Byeol smirked at Jackson's back in front of her. They had been goofing off in their hotel room earlier this morning and the energy just carried over.

Jinyoung and Jaebeom had already yelled at them multiple times to tone it down, but all Byeol did was stick out her tongue and call them old people. Jackson had her back, a triumphant 'yeah' being yelled out from behind her. It resulted in multiple items being thrown across the room and some very annoyed staff members.

She could see the cord for Jackson's in-ear and her hand twitched to unplug it. She wasn't that dense to do something like that during the actual concert, but they were just rehearsing right now. Mark apparently saw what she was aiming for and pinched her arm, shaking his head.

Byeol stuck out her tongue and pulled it out right before they started to move. Mark rolled his eyes, briefly shaking his head before starting his rap. Byeol continued to dance, sneaking peaks at Jackson every few minutes. It was really hard for her to keep her laugh and giggles in as he tried to nonchalantly figure out why his in-ear wasn't working.

When he stopped in the middle of the song, thoroughly confused, Byeol started laughing. Mark walked up, holding up the unplugged cord and Yugyeom and BamBam stifled their amusement, trying to be serious. Jinyoung groaned. "Moon, can we please act like an adult for five minutes?" She rolled her eyes, but got back into position. "Whatever, mom." She muttered.

Jackson couldn't help but let out a snort, covering his mouth and trying to seem serious. Byeol and Jackson allowed them to get through rehearsal's without anymore disruptions. As they headed back to start hair and makeup, Byeol and Jackson were telling jokes to themselves when Byeol just ran off. "Moon!" Jackson yelled, taking off behind her.

JB groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration. "Why can't we get a leash again?" He asked and BamBam snorted. "Because the last time hyung did, she threw it out the window and almost hit someone walking below." Youngjae shrugged his shoulders. "Don't worry, Jackson's with her. Let's just get ready."

"Moon!" Jackson said, out of breath as she ran up to a random teenager walking backstage. Jackson was close to pulling her away, in fear that it was one of the more dedicated fans. "I really like your jacket!" Byeol smiled at the terrified looking child. "T-thanks." She stammered before clearing her throat.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! I just saw your jacket and I really wanted to tell you I liked it." The girl smiled and laughed, shaking her head. "It's alright. Thanks, Moon. Hello, Jackson-oppa!" She waved and Jackson walked next to Byeol, waving and smiling. "You should probably go get ready, I need to get your lights all set up."

"Wow! You do all that?!" Byeol said and the girl nodded, her cheeks flushed a little. "Y-yeah. I like all the technical stuff. It's fun for me." Byeol looked at her with curious eyes and Jackson knew what question was coming next. "Can you show me?!" The girl cocked her head to the side. Jackson smiled sheepishly, picking Byeol up effortlessly and tossing her over his shoulder.

"We're going to get ready now! Thanks for all your hard work!" He said as he turned on his heels and sped walk. Byeol hung there, pouting. "I wanted to see it." Jackson sighed, hitting her butt. "Moon, we've told you a million times you can't just trust everyone you meet. Not everyone has good intentions." He set her down but made sure to link their arms together so she couldn't run away again.

She frowned. "But I trusted you guys right away when we first met." Jackson laughed, "you shouldn't have." She rolled her eyes, biting his arm. "Yah! That hurt!" He glared at her and she went to run, forgetting their arms were linked and as she was jerked back she felt a pain in her shoulder. "OW!"

She clutched her shoulder and Jackson panicked. "Ohgodohgodohgodohgod." He pushed her forward. "Let's go! The staff can fix it." Byeol allowed him to not-so-gently guide her to the dressing room. When they entered JB and Mark were on their feet in seconds. "What happened?!" Jaebeom yelled.

Mark took her to one of the staff. Thankfully, it had just popped out; something that Byeol was used too. The staff popped it back in, Yugyeom placing an ice pack on it and begging her to sit down and get her hair and makeup done. She complied. Jaebeom sighed. "I asked you two to tone it down."

Jackson threw his hands up. "Hyung. She bit me!" He said and Byeol quickly countered him. "You spanked my butt!" Jaebeom held his hands up, silencing the two immediately. "Please just don't talk until it's time to perform. I'm going to have a heart attack or an aneurysm." Jackson grumbled to himself but took his seat next to Byeol, the stylist getting to work.

"I'm sorry about your shoulder." He whispered so that JB couldn't hear him. Byeol giggled, patting his leg with her good arm. "It's fine, oppa. I'm fine. I was having fun either way, that's more important." Jackson beamed, holding out his fist and they fist bumped. "That's my dude." Jaebeom somehow appeared out of thin air in between the two, eyes hard as they stared at each other through the mirror.

"I said to be quiet."

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