It feels like as if somebody was gripping my throat

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A/N: I know I already put sleep in the top but I'm just going by chapter titles so there's a liv one instead.


It's dark again. Where am I? No! No! I can't be back here. Not a third time. How am I here? Kobra's next to me. The doors opened, he's stood there. Korse has a gun in hand. We can't be here! It's not possible.

He walked over to Kobra and grabbed him by his hair. "Let him go!" I scream. Kobra managed to look at me with a sad look in his eyes before Korse pulled the trigger. "Kobra!" I screamed as he fell to the floor.

I sit up. Everything is okay- we aren't back at the cell. We're safe but something is wrong. Then, out of no where. Korse jumped on top of me from the bottom of the bed and began cholking me. He's trying to killl me.

I sit up again and manage to stop myself from screaming any more. Shit. I probably woke them up. All I can do is sit there and cry. I'm scared. We escaped nearly a whole day ago and it feels like I'm still there.

Kobra ran into my room and he could see me crying. We've seen each other crying countless times so I'm not going to hide it. "It was just a nightmare. I'm sorry." I think I saw maybe Party Poison but Kobra whispered something in his ear and then anyone that was stood there left. Kobra came and sat next to me. "Want to talk about it?" I shook my head.

Kobra's POV

"I'm sorry. I'll be fine, you can go back to sleep." I wasn't asleep anyway- I was having nightmares too.
"I'm not leaving until I know you're okay." I said. We just sat in silence and hugged for a couple minutes.
"Could you stay with me?" They asked. To be honest, I was going to ask them if we could sleep together anyway. Even when we were in the cell, knowing someone was there stopped the nightmares mostly. "Yeah."

We both lied down and went back to sleep. The bed was more than big enough for the two of us (we slept very close anyway). They fell asleep before me so I lied there and watched them for a while thinking about all the shit we've been through. How are we alive?

The next morning, we woke up at a very similar time. "Do you want to sleep in my room? The beds big enough for both of us." I offered. They nodded. When I went back to my room to get changed, Cherri was asleep in my bed. There was a note on the door. 'You went to sleep with Y/K/N, I'm taking your bed'. I smirked and changed in the bathroom.

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