One month later

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Pheonix's POV

I heard a shout before running upstairs. They had been unconscious for nearly a week now. I ran upstairs to the room they had been sleeping in and opened the door. "Hi..." They were stood in the middle of the room. "I'm Pheonix, you were attacked but don't worry. You're safe now."
"How do I know I can trust you?" They asked, obviously terrified.
"Uhh, you're a Killjoy right? You're Y/K/N."
"A what?" They were definitely Y/K/N so I had no idea what was going on.

"I think my dad's a Killjoy. He made us pick Killjoy names." I'd seen their face on wanted posters everywhere for weeks before we found them. Even then, I heard Korse shout their name when he was leaving. "You are Y/K/N... Right?" They nodded.
"Yes... Why?" Have they lost their memory?

"What's the last thing you can remember?" That seemed like the right thing to ask.
"Uh... I don't know... My sister- her name is Icy Frost. Wait... She's dead, isn't she?" I nodded. Yes, they annouced who had died shortly after finding out that they had been working with Korse. "What happened to her?"
"Doctor Death Defying said that she was working with Korse and her group had tried to kill you on several occasions so your friends killed her."


Friends? I don't have friends. Who are my friends? Why did this guy say I was a killjoy? When did my sister try to kill me? Why did my sister try to kill me? Did Icy Frost attack me? I have so many questions but I don't know which one to start with. "Who are my friends? I never made friends." I'm scared. This guy dresses like what my dad said was a Killjoy. Wait, he said a name. Icy Frost was working with someone called Korse. "The Fabulous killjoys. Party Poison, Fun Ghoul, Jet Star and Kobra Kid. You were part of their team for a year or two I think."

"Don't Killjoy's go in groups? Why are you alone?" Dad said he was the only Killjoy that didn't have a group. His group left him after he found mum.
"They went out to go find some food. We're running low but they should be back soon. It's not far where they went." He took me downstairs into a room with a radio and some sofas. I kept asking him questions until his group got back. He couldn't answer most of them but he said maybe my friends would know.

The other three introduced themselves as Benzadrine, Pizza Daemon and American Psycho. They all seemed nice so I decided to trust them. Pizza Daemon said he was going to try and contact those people that Pheonix said were my friends. He left by himself. What's going to happen when these people that are suppose be my friends come?

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