Diablo take me home

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Maybe forty minutes passed before most of the killjoys slept. They had found what was most likely a staff room of sorts, with three sofas. Ghoul and Party had claimed the biggest, Ghoul falling asleep quickly as his feet landed in Party's face. Party had shoved his feet over the edge of the sofa before pulling the sheet they had found over himself, and off Ghoul.

Jet was curled up in a small armchair alone. He was still awake, staring up at the ceiling still in disbelief. Kobra and Y/K/N had taken the other sofa. They were curled up together, Y/K/N holding tight onto him even in sleep. Their head was rested on his chest and his arms around them. He was still awake too.

It felt perfect. That moment, they were truly together again. They remembered, he remembered. It was only a matter of time before one of them would say it out loud. Kobra watched as he stroked their hair. For years, he never understood love. Of course, he loved his brother and he loved his friends but love was different. Now he knew. It was the most amazing thing in the world. Kobra wanted to shout it, scream it as loud as he could.

"I'm in love" He dared mutter.

Silence. No reply, of course that only lasted a few seconds, being broken by Jet. "I'm glad one of you is ready to admit that." Kobra looked over to his friend, he didn't realise anyone else was awake. "Not a word." He threatened, Jet putting his hands up in defeat. "No one will know." He turned to look at the ceiling, "but I guess I can't really help it if someone else heard."

He moved his body as little as possible as he looked around the room. Who else had heard? "Who-" he was cut off, as Y/K/N moved their head up to connect their lips. "I am too." He stared, love struck and somehow completely unaware that Jet was watching. They were both gazing at each other, dumb with love.

"I've wanted to tell you for so long. I don't know why I didn't but after you came back, I just knew I had to tell you quickly." They whispered, resting their head and holding him tight.

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